certnanny / sscep

SSCEP is a command line client for the SCEP protocol
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Does SSCEP support NDES with challenge password #46

Open manfonly opened 9 years ago

manfonly commented 9 years ago

OS: fedora 16 NDES: windows 2008r2 I can enroll without challenge password(EnforcePassword=0), but when I enabled this feature, I always get "The password in the certificate request cannot be verified. It may have been used already. Obtain a new password to submit with this request." Even when I change "UseSinglePassword" to 1, still get the same error message. I use following code to generate csr: openssl req -new -key %s -out %s -subj %s -config openssl.conf This is my openssl.conf for challenge password: [req] prompt = no distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name attributes = req_attributes req_extensions = v3_req

[req_attributes] challengePassword=00F7FC7937B5366F2231AC891472998C

[req_distinguished_name] C=CN CN=sceptest.com ST=Shanghai


basicConstraints = CA:FALSE

keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment

This is the generated certificate request file: Certificate Request: Data: Version: 0 (0x0) Subject: C=CN, CN=sceptest.com, ST=Shanghai Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:c1:48:66:3f:72:f4:46:86:5b:4e:33:a7:5f:ba: c5:d3:78:92:9c:b7:ad:e5:05:28:6a:89:11:65:16: 8b:83:6c:70:ae:2d:0e:03:e4:70:1b:ca:4e:e9:8a: a0:99:81:a4:1b:ee:0e:16:b2:bf:6a:87:a2:05:81: 8a:e9:86:0a:34:d2:a4:8f:55:27:65:5b:ae:35:b1: 99:78:55:d8:49:ca:5d:e4:c4:61:21:05:1f:98:fb: c7:02:18:0e:30:dd:40:29:72:cb:7f:5d:1a:a3:6b: 6c:5e:27:a1:28:ab:e2:e8:23:f5:9d:e9:99:d2:c6: 1f:bb:40:28:9d:e4:2a:f4:31:5e:b3:35:b3:64:3d: ff:6a:63:bf:d5:08:c0:cc:bd:cd:14:c8:f9:ab:04: c2:ee:fe:91:0b:8f:ed:8c:29:34:46:68:66:da:d0: 40:e8:d8:ae:a7:64:0e:f8:8b:ef:e6:c1:61:bf:da: 81:7e:3a:a1:01:3e:b5:17:64:4b:94:d3:b3:93:78: 7f:49:9b:09:2c:1b:47:ab:04:2a:c2:03:31:d1:d8: e8:ba:42:5b:ea:87:d4:b1:77:ac:5d:51:e8:a9:d0: 3c:59:dd:71:2e:4a:fb:68:cc:c8:11:8c:86:c0:d0: 00:4d:a1:b7:21:ef:3d:ed:50:b5:9f:85:1f:01:fe: 26:ff Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Attributes: challengePassword :unable to print attribute Requested Extensions: X509v3 Key Usage: Digital Signature, Key Encipherment Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 13:dc:93:7c:cd:9c:35:17:fd:8d:3e:63:91:90:72:ef:87:ec: e6:22:ec:60:66:0a:3f:fe:91:43:75:08:73:43:34:a0:cc:1a: f0:67:82:45:29:41:be:b9:b5:b2:7d:c7:d7:c5:e1:06:49:26: 5a:40:fc:8f:c0:b8:60:7a:a2:54:8b:ce:3b:9f:78:0a:a9:d6: 39:4a:b8:11:49:a8:a9:98:88:52:58:67:bc:ad:5b:7f:a0:5a: 71:1f:c3:19:bc:c9:fd:11:87:c2:aa:09:8b:4f:b8:fb:ab:cd: 1e:da:c4:f9:9e:29:08:28:9c:29:14:7d:80:76:20:17:12:30: 91:9a:d7:5b:92:3a:25:21:d1:c0:31:4d:54:60:39:19:29:ed: 35:54:90:88:34:ce:b7:95:52:cd:2c:7b:b8:63:b9:7f:5c:34: 37:8d:38:ef:32:6c:97:b6:94:87:b4:b5:70:bd:68:8f:15:a3: 25:d7:89:a8:fd:d3:5f:97:e3:be:69:ae:3b:86:2d:53:77:cc: 82:00:09:32:12:39:f0:ad:d8:11:be:d2:9d:94:c9:2d:0c:a4: 15:80:71:d0:13:52:83:7a:e3:8c:9f:a2:d2:09:87:eb:2d:2f: 26:0b:09:d5:80:3d:9a:f6:fe:e3:3c:80:c6:dc:24:2f:37:08: 98:eb:68:ec

And I use following command to enroll: sscep enroll -v -u -k private.key -r server.csr -l server.crt -c ca.pem-0 -e ca.pem-1 This is the output of the enroll: /usr/bin/sscep: illegal size of payload /usr/bin/sscep: starting sscep, version 0.6 /usr/bin/sscep: new transaction /usr/bin/sscep: transaction id: D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E /usr/bin/sscep: hostname: /usr/bin/sscep: directory: CertSrv/mscep/mscep.dll /usr/bin/sscep: port: 80 /usr/bin/sscep: Read request with transaction id: 677F6ADF3BBD1777855A30266E90E748 /usr/bin/sscep: generating selfsigned certificate /usr/bin/sscep: SCEP_OPERATION_ENROLL /usr/bin/sscep: sending certificate request /usr/bin/sscep: creating inner PKCS#7 /usr/bin/sscep: inner PKCS#7 in mem BIO /usr/bin/sscep: request data dump -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICyzCCAbMCAQAwNzELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ04xFTATBgNVBAMMDGVkZ2V0ZXN0LmNv bTERMA8GA1UECAwIU2hhbmdoYWkwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEK AoIBAQDBSGY/cvRGhltOM6dfusXTeJKct63lBShqiRFlFouDbHCuLQ4D5HAbyk7p iqCZgaQb7g4Wsr9qh6IFgYrphgo00qSPVSdlW641sZl4VdhJyl3kxGEhBR+Y+8cC GA4w3UApcst/XRqja2xeJ6Eoq+LoI/Wd6ZnSxh+7QCid5Cr0MV6zNbNkPf9qY7/V CMDMvc0UyPmrBMLu/pELj+2MKTRGaGba0EDo2K6nZA74i+/mwWG/2oF+OqEBPrUX ZEuU07OTeH9JmwksG0erBCrCAzHR2Oi6Qlvqh9Sxd6xdUeip0DxZ3XEuSvtozMgR jIbA0ABNobch7z3tULWfhR8B/ib/AgMBAAGgTzAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQ4xDzANMAsG A1UdDwQEAwIFoDAvBgkqhkiG9w0BCQcxIgwgMDBGN0ZDNzkzN0I1MzY2RjIyMzFB Qzg5MTQ3Mjk5OEMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBABPck3zNnDUX/Y0+Y5GQcu+H 7OYi7GBmCj/+kUN1CHNDNKDMGvBngkUpQb65tbJ9x9fF4QZJJlpA/I/AuGB6olSL zjufeAqp1jlKuBFJqKmYiFJYZ7ytW3+gWnEfwxm8yf0Rh8KqCYtPuPurzR7axPme KQgonCkUfYB2IBcSMJGa11uSOiUh0cAxTVRgORkp7TVUkIg0zreVUs0se7hjuX9c NDeNOO8ybJe2lIe0tXC9aI8VoyXXiaj901+X475prjuGLVN3zIIACTISOfCt2BG+ 0p2UyS0MpBWAcdATUoN644yfotIJh+stLyYLCdWAPZr2/uM8gMbcJC83CJjraOw= -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- /usr/bin/sscep: data payload size: 719 bytes /usr/bin/sscep: successfully encrypted payload /usr/bin/sscep: envelope size: 1175 bytes /usr/bin/sscep: creating outer PKCS#7 /usr/bin/sscep: signature added successfully /usr/bin/sscep: adding signed attributes /usr/bin/sscep: adding string attribute transId /usr/bin/sscep: adding string attribute messageType /usr/bin/sscep: adding octet attribute senderNonce /usr/bin/sscep: PKCS#7 data written successfully /usr/bin/sscep: applying base64 encoding /usr/bin/sscep: base64 encoded payload size: 3539 bytes /usr/bin/sscep: server returned status code 200 /usr/bin/sscep: MIME header: x-pki-message /usr/bin/sscep: valid response from server /usr/bin/sscep: reading outer PKCS#7 /usr/bin/sscep: PKCS#7 payload size: 700 bytes /usr/bin/sscep: PKCS#7 contains 1 bytes of enveloped data /usr/bin/sscep: verifying signature /usr/bin/sscep: signature ok /usr/bin/sscep: finding signed attributes /usr/bin/sscep: finding attribute transId /usr/bin/sscep: allocating 32 bytes for attribute /usr/bin/sscep: reply transaction id: 677F6ADF3BBD1777855A30266E90E748 /usr/bin/sscep: finding attribute messageType /usr/bin/sscep: allocating 1 bytes for attribute /usr/bin/sscep: reply message type is good /usr/bin/sscep: finding attribute senderNonce /usr/bin/sscep: allocating 16 bytes for attribute /usr/bin/sscep: senderNonce in reply: F3AC0EC41E761C4785735394C91C8712 /usr/bin/sscep: finding attribute recipientNonce /usr/bin/sscep: allocating 16 bytes for attribute /usr/bin/sscep: recipientNonce in reply: 12C9526F8DE6DBD51B4D9FB2CA302C1B /usr/bin/sscep: finding attribute pkiStatus /usr/bin/sscep: allocating 1 bytes for attribute /usr/bin/sscep: pkistatus: FAILURE /usr/bin/sscep: finding attribute failInfo /usr/bin/sscep: allocating 1 bytes for attribute /usr/bin/sscep: reason: Transaction not permitted or supported

rad1us commented 9 years ago

Not sure about NDES never tested it but the challenge password should be a BMP String.

manfonly commented 9 years ago

This is my mscep_admin page: Network Device Enrollment Service allows you to obtain certificates for routers or other network devices using the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP).

To complete certificate enrollment for your network device you will need the following information:

The thumbprint (hash value) for the CA certificate is: E79F8AD3 73F7D8E0 F2688840 8563ACA1

The enrollment challenge password is: 00F7FC7937B5366F2231AC891472998C

This password can be used multiple times and will not expire.

For more information see Using Network Device Enrollment Service .

I just copied "00F7FC7937B5366F2231AC891472998C".

rad1us commented 9 years ago

Yeah but that is not an BPM String and OpenSSL won't encode it for you.

https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3641 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb540793%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

manfonly commented 9 years ago

Do you mean I need to encode challenge password? I can set this challenge password in the openssl interactive way, and it looks like NDES does not support set a challenge password.

rad1us commented 9 years ago

No Idea about NDES and its configuration. For a normal SCEP server you need to encode the password to a BMP string and then give it to openSSL to embed in the CSR.

manfonly commented 9 years ago

Hi rad1us, you are right. I looks like a bug in the linux openssl. It can not encode 00F7FC7937B5366F2231AC891472998C into challenge password attribute, but the windows version can do it.

tedescn commented 8 years ago


I just parsed your CSR with ("openssl asn1parse –text –in csr_file_name.csr"). I note you are using UTF-8 strings. I also note your openssl.conf doesn’t include a subjectAltName field.

Can I suggest you modify your openssl.conf file to see if these changes address your problem of issuing a certificate?

1) Within the [req] section add both “utf8 = no” and “string_mask = nombstr”. Then review your generated CSR, hopefully it won’t indicate “:unable to print attribute” against the challengePassword. Also I’m hoping your challengePassword is now printable string?

2) Additionally you also need to add a subjectAltName to the generated CSR. Add an entry to [req] section of your openssl.conf file, something like: “subjectAltName=critical,DNS:certnanny-sscep.poc.shanghai.cn”

Assuming this issues a SCEP certificate against NDES you can play with the string_mask values to determine if UTF-8 is supported?

Regards Nigel

WarheadsSE commented 8 years ago

@tedescn @manfonly :+1: I wanted to provide an update to this. We have tested this with sscep & SCEP from an NDES server on Windows Server 2012 R2. The additions suggested by @tedescn have resulting it working behavior for us.

Works without modification: openssl 1.0.1f Works with modification: openssl 1.0.1i, 1.0.2h

ppokhriyal commented 8 years ago

I m trying with 1.0.2i. @tedescn any patch or modification can resolve this.

anubhav96gupta commented 2 years ago

Thank you. This helped me to fix my issue with NDES. “string_mask = nombstr”

Can someone please confirm if this change in openssl config will work with all types of SCEP servers?

pwo commented 2 months ago

So I also ran into this however needing UTF-8 encoded attributes in the subject I could not set nombstr as that affects all attributes so I had to patch OpenSSL (openssl-3.0 branch):

diff --git a/crypto/asn1/tbl_standard.h b/crypto/asn1/tbl_standard.h
index 3e8fe81eeb..246f145c58 100644
--- a/crypto/asn1/tbl_standard.h
+++ b/crypto/asn1/tbl_standard.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static const ASN1_STRING_TABLE tbl_standard[] = {
     {NID_pkcs9_emailAddress, 1, ub_email_address, B_ASN1_IA5STRING,
     {NID_pkcs9_unstructuredName, 1, -1, PKCS9STRING_TYPE, 0},
-    {NID_pkcs9_challengePassword, 1, -1, PKCS9STRING_TYPE, 0},
+    {NID_pkcs9_challengePassword, 1, -1, B_ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING, STABLE_NO_MASK},
     {NID_pkcs9_unstructuredAddress, 1, -1, DIRSTRING_TYPE, 0},
     {NID_givenName, 1, ub_name, DIRSTRING_TYPE, 0},
     {NID_surname, 1, ub_name, DIRSTRING_TYPE, 0},