Fields such as AuthEnty (Author), IDNo (PID) and holdings (link to SP's website) are indexed from DDI-C 2.5 similar to other fields where fallback language is used when indexing if they have no language tag even though language tag doesn't make much sense for them. Language tag is also not currently required for these fields in profile.
Fields such as AuthEnty (Author), IDNo (PID) and holdings (link to SP's website) are indexed from DDI-C 2.5 similar to other fields where fallback language is used when indexing if they have no language tag even though language tag doesn't make much sense for them. Language tag is also not currently required for these fields in profile.
For example on study 2020-105-1-1 (SND) PID disappears when switching to Swedish.
Related to Currently dates require language but if it's made optional, dates will only show up for English if they then don't have language tag.