chamkank / flask-chatterbot

Simple boilerplate for ChatterBot using Flask
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Can Chatterbot speak Turkish? #20

Open UfukGuler34 opened 5 years ago

UfukGuler34 commented 5 years ago

In this days my friends are trying to create a robot that could look the person that in front of him than listen him. My job began in here. I have to create a chat bot that listen the person with mic than recognize what he/she says after that answer him. Now my program can listen people and recognize the words. But my program can answer in English. Because i am Turkish i have make it in Turkish. Is there anybody in there to help me? This is all i got for now.

from gtts import gTTS import os import speech_recognition as sr from chatterbot import ChatBot from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer chatbot = ChatBot("Ron Obvious")

""" conversation = [ "merhaba", "sana da merhaba", "ne haber", "iyidir senden", "kac yasindasin", "18 yasindayim", "ismin ne ", "benim adim aytek", "hava nasil", "iyi bea nasil olsun" ] """

conversation = open('chats.txt','r').readlines() chatbot.set_trainer(ListTrainer) chatbot.train(conversation)

def konusma(metin): tts= gTTS(text=metin ,lang='tr')"aaa.mp3") os.system("mpg321 aaa.mp3")

r= sr.Recognizer()

with sr.Microphone() as kaynak:
print("Please wait. Calibrating microphone...")

listen for 5 seconds and calculate the ambient noise energy level

 r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(kaynak, duration=5)
 konusma('kalibre tamamlandi')

while True: with sr.Microphone() as kaynak: ses = r.listen(kaynak,timeout = None) try: print(r.recognize_google(ses,language="tr-TR")) soru=r.recognize_google(ses,language="tr-TR") response = chatbot.get_response(soru) print(response) konusma(str(response)) except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Anlamadim.") except sr.RequestError: print("Bad Request")