Following update in this branch:
1.Update API getUsers according to "Back-end: Messaging Application #5 -- an API to search for users to find them to talk to " , to support query users by part or full name of user name. Front end has been update too , the searched users are listed in the Front end, subscriber can click to talk with one of them.
Update login page according to "Front-end: Signup / Login Pages #2"
-- "Signup page - name, email, password + confirm password " . A confirm password has been added to sigup page
--- "Stretch Goal: make this page responsive by remove any side images on smaller screens " Both login page and chat page has been updated , now it can be present on mobile screen and PC screen.
Update front end status check. subscriber can update his own status by using socket status(socket connect event triggers the status of subscriber to be 'online' and discconect event triggers the status of subscriber to be offline)
Following update in this branch: 1.Update API getUsers according to "Back-end: Messaging Application #5 -- an API to search for users to find them to talk to " , to support query users by part or full name of user name. Front end has been update too , the searched users are listed in the Front end, subscriber can click to talk with one of them.