chaofengc / IQA-PyTorch

👁️ 🖼️ 🔥PyTorch Toolbox for Image Quality Assessment, including PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, FID, NIQE, NRQM(Ma), MUSIQ, TOPIQ, NIMA, DBCNN, BRISQUE, PI and more...
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Dataset of the topiq_fr model #112

Closed Alidaling closed 1 year ago

Alidaling commented 1 year ago

Are the training data used for the topiq_fr model and the topiq_fr-pipal model different? What are the specific datasets used to train them?Thanks!

chaofengc commented 1 year ago

Yes, the model is generally named with [model variant]-[dataset]. The default setting is given at the document:

For your question, topiq_fr is trained with kadid dataset, and topiq_fr-pipal is trained with pipal dataset.