operator invokes daemonset no set uid, causes daemonset to automatically generate a uid when it receives a create instruction,because the uid is not passed during destroy, the fault is cleared by the model not by uid. This causes the uid that daemonset automatically generates when it receives the create instruction to be destroyed again in the timed sleep process.
Issue Description
Type: bug report
Describe what happened (or what feature you want)
operator invokes daemonset no set uid, causes daemonset to automatically generate a uid when it receives a create instruction,because the uid is not passed during destroy, the fault is cleared by the model not by uid. This causes the uid that daemonset automatically generates when it receives the create instruction to be destroyed again in the timed sleep process.
code : https://github.com/chaosblade-io/chaosblade-operator/blob/master/exec/model/executor_nsexec.go#L134
Describe what you expected to happen
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)
Tell us your environment
Anything else we need to know?