char5742 / flutter_silero_vad

This is an unofficial plugin for calling the Silero VAD ONNX model in Flutter.
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IOS Xcode Build Error - #8

Open 8bitGames opened 3 months ago

8bitGames commented 3 months ago

2024-02-14 00:16:27.551020+0900 Runner[6840:7577133] throwing -1 2024-02-14 00:16:27.551418+0900 Runner[6840:7577133] from AU (0x101e30500): auou/vpio/appl, render err: -1 2024-02-14 00:16:27.572174+0900 Runner[6840:7577133] throwing -1 2024-02-14 00:16:27.572516+0900 Runner[6840:7577133] from AU (0x101e30500): auou/vpio/appl, render err: -1 2024-02-14 00:16:27.593383+0900 Runner[6840:7577133] throwing -1 2024-02-14 00:16:27.593707+0900 Runner[6840:7577133] from AU (0x101e30500): auou/vpio/appl, render err: -1

processedAudioSubscription = async {
      String outputPath = '${(await getTemporaryDirectory()).path}/output.wav';
      saveAsWav(buffer, outputPath);


await session.configure(const AudioSessionConfiguration(
      avAudioSessionCategory: AVAudioSessionCategory.playAndRecord,
      avAudioSessionCategoryOptions: AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.defaultToSpeaker,
      avAudioSessionMode: AVAudioSessionMode.defaultMode,
      avAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicy: AVAudioSessionRouteSharingPolicy.defaultPolicy,
      avAudioSessionSetActiveOptions: AVAudioSessionSetActiveOptions.none,
      androidAudioAttributes: AndroidAudioAttributes(
        contentType: AndroidAudioContentType.speech,
        flags: AndroidAudioFlags.none,
        usage: AndroidAudioUsage.voiceCommunication,
      androidAudioFocusGainType: AndroidAudioFocusGainType.gain,
      androidWillPauseWhenDucked: true,

Afterwards, huge errors appear repeatedly. I tried changing the value in AudioSessionConfiguration, but the error continues to occur. How can I solve this?

char5742 commented 3 months ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. I am aware of the problem you've mentioned and are actively searching for a solution. However, as of now, we have not yet found a concrete resolution.