Closed ex-nerd closed 1 year ago
It's apparently been a long time since I've used this script. Anyway, here's an updated version for python3:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Recursively scans current or specified directory for all subdirectories
# containing mp3 files. If these mp3 files contain overdrive chapter markers
# (id3 tag), writes overdrive_chapters.txt to the same directory.
# Usage:
# [optional directory path]
# Use with build_m4b from
# Note: Due to overdrive low quality, there is no point in encoding aac files
# with better than: 64kbps stereo, HE, optimize for voice
import os, sys, re
import mutagen.id3 as id3
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen import File
from collections import OrderedDict
def timestr(secs):
(secs, ms) = str(secs).split(".")
ms = float(ms[0:3] + "." + ms[3:])
secs = int(secs)
hours = int(secs // 3600)
secs = secs % 3600
mins = int(secs // 60)
secs = secs % 60
return f"{hours:02}:{mins:02}:{secs:02}.{ms:03.0f}"
def load_mp3(total, dir, file):
path = os.path.join(dir, file)
audio = MP3(path)
# print( # ,
m = id3.ID3(path)
data = m.get("TXXX:OverDrive MediaMarkers")
if not data:
print("Can't find TXXX data point for {0}".format(file))
info = data.text[0]
file_chapters = re.findall(
r"<Name>\s*([^>]+?)\s*</Name><Time>\s*([\d:.]+)\s*</Time>", info, re.MULTILINE
chapters = []
for chapter in file_chapters:
(name, length) = chapter
name = re.sub(r'^"(.+)"$', r"\1", name)
name = re.sub(r"^\*(.+)\*$", r"\1", name)
name = re.sub(
r"\s*\([^)]*\)$", "", name
) # ignore any sub-chapter markers from Overdrive
name = re.sub(
r"\s+\(?continued\)?$", "", name
) # ignore any sub-chapter markers from Overdrive
name = re.sub(
r"\s+-\s*$", "", name
) # ignore any sub-chapter markers from Overdrive
name = re.sub(
r"^Dis[kc]\s+\d+\W*$", "", name
) # ignore any disk markers from Overdrive
name = name.strip()
t_parts = list(length.split(":"))
seconds = total + float(t_parts[0])
if len(t_parts) > 1:
seconds += int(t_parts[1]) * 60
if len(t_parts) > 2:
seconds += int(t_parts[2]) * 60 * 60
chapters.append([name, seconds])
# print(name, seconds)
return (total +, chapters)
def visit(dirname, filenames):
# Parse the files
total = 0
all_chapters = OrderedDict()
for file in sorted(filenames):
if file.endswith(".mp3"):
(total, chapters) = load_mp3(total, dirname, file)
# print(repr(chapters))
for chapter in chapters:
if chapter[0] in all_chapters.keys():
all_chapters[chapter[0]] = chapter[1]
if len(all_chapters) > 0:
with open("overdrive_chapters.txt", "w") as file:
for name, length in all_chapters.items():
chapstr = f"{timestr(length)} {name}"
file.write(chapstr + "\n")
# print(repr(all_chapters))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
path = os.path.abspath(".")
for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in {".git", ".direnv"}]
visit(dirname, files)
I guess I should update my audiotools scripts for python3, too.
Hi @ex-nerd, I added this script to audiobook_chapters. Hope you don't mind. I credited you in the references. I then use another script to create a FFMETADATAFILE.
@choc96208 Sure thing. It's not like me to leave a license off of my code. Consider it MIT (I'll update the comments and accordingly)
Cool, but out of scope, sorry.
@ex-nerd slightly dumb question here but I'm still fairly new to all this -- how would I specify a particular directory to run this in?
@LeLawnGames just the first parameter, e.g. ./ /path/to/directory
Or leave off the path and by default it will run in the current directory.
oh gotcha -- thank you!
Do with it as you wish. I still haven't updated this for python3, but it's really handy combined with (wow, I feel old looking at the last-updated dates on those) to merge files into
files that can load into a dedicated audiobook app on a phone.