[main] ERROR com.github.checkstyle.difftool.DiffTool - Error: reports/diff
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: reports/diff
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(UnixException.java:92)
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.asIOException(UnixException.java:115)
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.newDirectoryStream(UnixFileSystemProvider.java:477)
at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.newDirectoryStream(Files.java:481)
at com.github.checkstyle.difftool.DiffTool.getProjectsStatistic(DiffTool.java:1495)
at com.github.checkstyle.difftool.DiffTool.generateSummaryIndexHtml(DiffTool.java:1228)
at com.github.checkstyle.difftool.DiffTool.main(DiffTool.java:142)
Recently, we decided to use the DiffTool.java for generating the pom.xml, which was to be used in the checkstyle main repo under regression-report.yml, removing the existing approach of downloading pom.xml using curl. And, the changes were made, where in DiffTool.java had to rely on a template pom.xml available in resource section. Unfortunately, while pushing, I missed the pom's template file to be added as a part of changes causing the break-down in workflow. The above issue addresses that.
failure - https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle/actions/runs/11013634762/job/30582498014#step:13:744
Recently, we decided to use the DiffTool.java for generating the pom.xml, which was to be used in the checkstyle main repo under regression-report.yml, removing the existing approach of downloading pom.xml using curl. And, the changes were made, where in DiffTool.java had to rely on a template pom.xml available in resource section. Unfortunately, while pushing, I missed the pom's template file to be added as a part of changes causing the break-down in workflow. The above issue addresses that.