On the first run of my app after adding EW integration I am getting this error:
[error] Found the following extra EctoWatch triggers:
...but they were not specified in the watcher options.
To cleanup unspecified triggers and functions, run your app with the `ECTO_WATCH_CLEANUP`
environment variable set to the value `cleanup`
[error] Found the following extra EctoWatch functions:
To cleanup unspecified triggers and functions, run your app with the `ECTO_WATCH_CLEANUP`
environment variable set to the value `cleanup`
It's complaining about triggers, but it does't seem to actually have some.
(I didnt redact the lines, thats the exact output)
On the first run of my app after adding EW integration I am getting this error:
It's complaining about triggers, but it does't seem to actually have some. (I didnt redact the lines, thats the exact output)