chef-boneyard / chef-provisioning-aws

AWS driver and resources for Chef that uses the AWS SDK
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correctly symbolize bootstrap_options, making chef13 go again #532

Closed jjlimepoint closed 7 years ago

jjlimepoint commented 7 years ago

correctly symbolize bootstrap_options, making chef13 go again - this one was missed in the symbolizing!

This set of changes allows current chef13/cheffish13 to correctly provision AWS machines

jjlimepoint commented 7 years ago

Supposedly this specifically affects using machine_batch - it works without this work machine on its own, but not machine_batch

dreamnite commented 7 years ago

This works for me with one small issue: the deprecated ith the deprecated use_private_ip_for_ssh: true. When it converts the value into transport_address_location: :private_ip it gives an error:

Unexpected method []= for MergedConfig with arguments [:transport_address_location, :private_ip]

When left off, or set with transport_address_location it works fine.

BenLiyanage commented 7 years ago

This seems to work similarly to #535, but with more code. Is the other way better for dealing with this issue?

jjlimepoint commented 7 years ago

The reason for more code is that i needed to update deep_symbolize to work with lists, or else things like block_device_mapping don't actually work right, since they are lists that contain hashes, which cheffish also messes with.

tyler-ball commented 7 years ago

Question: what issues did you encounter with aws_config.region? With your code I get the error undefined method[]' for :AWS::Core::Configuration` trying to run the aws_auto_scaling_group_spec

jjlimepoint commented 7 years ago

I was getting nil returns with :region, but correct returns with .region - i assume the object changed to an actual object, at some point....