chengwei0427 / simple_gnss_localizer

A simple GNSS positioning and display demo(三维位姿数据显示在Google地图上)
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A simple GNSS positioning and display demo


bilibili tutorial video



-rviz_satellite:copy to the catkin_ws,and catkin_make -DCATKIN_WITHELIST_PACKAGES="rviz_satellite"


Use the following commands to download and compile the package.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin_make -DCATKIN_WITHELIST_PACKAGES="gnss_localizer"

Other notes

  1. adjust the topic change the topic /fix to your gnss topic,or use remap

  2. check the NavSatFix status in GNSSCallback

  3. after run your bag(contain gps topic), you could get first gnss:30.20230164,120.26021482,14.14500000,change the the param ori_lat,ori_lon,ori_alt inrun.launch and ref_point=[30.20230164,120.26021482,14.14500000] in scripts/

  4. reopen the run.launch and replay your bag.

Run the package

  1. Run the launch file:

    roslaunch gnss_localizer run.launch
  2. Play existing bag files:

    rosbag play your-bag.bag --clock


The gnss_localizer is implemented based on Autoware-AI; Thanks rviz_satellite and Autoware-AI;