chingu-voyages / v50-tier2-team-13

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Epic 4: User Interface and Experience (28 Story Points) #21

Open ssmall90 opened 2 months ago

ssmall90 commented 2 months ago

User Story 4.1: Seamless User Experience As a user, I want the application to provide a seamless experience for browsing the menu, adding items to the order, and making payments so that I can navigate easily. Task 4.1.1: Design intuitive navigation for menu browsing (5 SP) Task 4.1.2: Implement smooth transitions and feedback during interactions (5 SP)

User Story 4.2: Responsive Design As a user, I want the application to be responsive so that it works well on various devices and screen sizes. Task 4.2.1: Implement responsive UI for different devices (8 SP) Task 4.2.2: Test and ensure functionality across various screen sizes (5 SP)

User Story 4.3: Add Footer with GitHub Link As a user, I want to see a footer with a link to the development team's GitHub repo so that I can view the source code and contribute if possible. Task 4.3.1: Design and implement footer (3 SP) Task 4.3.2: Add link to team's GitHub repo (2 SP)

mickeymic25 commented 2 months ago

Hey guys I wanted to assign myself to User Story 4.1. Can I create an issue?