chmln / handlr

A better xdg-utils
MIT License
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enable selector as cli overriding option - feature request #39

Open muralikodali opened 3 years ago

muralikodali commented 3 years ago

I think one of the strong use cases for this program is selecting an option for opening files.

we naturally set a default application for the file types. for some file types, there will be more than one program. It provides more flexibility to call selector option (which can be overriding the option set in configuration file, i.e: enable_selector=false).

I request you to provide this option, to selectively call (with this overriding option) this application from other programs.

mehalter commented 2 years ago

I would really appreciate this feature. Would make handlr a great launcher for stuff like terminal file browsers where most of the time i want to open with the default application and have a separate binding for letting me select out of the available applications when I need to