chorus-ai / chorus-cloud-pm

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Create data processing/deidentification manifest in advance of data challenge #11

Open jshoughtaling opened 1 month ago

jshoughtaling commented 1 month ago

The manifest should describe any/all modifications to the data during the ingestion and transformation processes. It would be intended to help analysts and challenge participants understand the extent to which the data has been modified prior to release.

Broadly, it could include the following:

Deidentification Descriptions

As a first approximation, we will apply a set of typical transformations used in other consortia that aggregate sensitive observational health data. These transformations include:

Privacy Checks

Following these processes, the privacy_scan_tool should be executed to confirm the absence of PHI... This tool does the following...


heschmidt04 commented 1 month ago

Mentioning for discussion and context this CDS standard mentioned at April Bridge2AI event for the ideas behind the manifest.tsv