chrisdill / raylib-cs

C# bindings for raylib, a simple and easy-to-use library to learn videogames programming
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Problem with loading model from string (vox format) #168

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

hello ! i started to writing game with raylib cs but when i started loading model (vox format) , i watched just a white cube in the middle of scene and in the console i seen this: photo


using Raylib_cs; using System.Numerics;

namespace Other { static class Programm { public static void Main() { Raylib.InitWindow(1000, 800, "hello world !");

        Model model = Raylib.LoadModel("assets\\sword.vox");
        Camera3D camera = new Camera3D(
            new Vector3(0f, 2f, 10f),
            new Vector3(0f, 2f, 0f),
            new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f),

        while (!Raylib.WindowShouldClose()) {
            Raylib.DrawModel(model, new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), 1f, Color.WHITE);


p.s. i downloaded a library with Nuget and i use vs code

chrisdill commented 1 year ago

Where is the assets folder in your project? Are you able to load other resources from it or is the issue only with vox models?

nickyMcDonald commented 1 year ago

In your case it looks like the file loaded successfully but the VOX data did not. That looks like a formatting issue. I couldn’t reproduce this bug:

using Raylib_cs;
using System.Numerics;

Raylib.InitWindow(3000, 1800, "Hello World!");

Model model = Raylib.LoadModel("Chicken.vox");
Camera3D camera = new(
    new Vector3(0f, 2f, 10f),
    new Vector3(5f, 0f, 0f),

while (!Raylib.WindowShouldClose())
    Raylib.DrawModel(model, default, 1f, Color.WHITE);

INFO: FILEIO: [Chicken.vox] File loaded successfully INFO: MODEL: [Chicken.vox] VOX data loaded successfully : 5512 vertices/1 meshes INFO: VAO: [ID 2] Mesh uploaded successfully to VRAM (GPU) screenshot000

ghost commented 1 year ago

sory that i too late The VOX data really doesn't load, although the model itself loads without problems But i noticed that this is not only a problem of CS version, i tried it with C++ and doesn't work too However with C (and mcvs) it's work succesful


C++ version: image

C# work tree example

nickyMcDonald commented 1 year ago

@SerikTamerlan, if you open Bob.vox in notepad are the first 5 characters “VOX -” or “VOX È” or neither? If it’s “VOX È” I would suggest trying to export Bob differently, so it shows as “VOX -”. I have never used MagicaVoxel, however I’m certain the fifth character is the version number. Its 150 ‘-‘ or 200 ‘È’. If you could play around with the settings so it exports as “VOX -” it should work. As a last resort you can try to write a ‘-‘ where the ‘È’ was to force down the version.

@ChrisDill, If I’m correct with my assumptions this pr Addition of support for vox files in version 200. by Bigfoot71 · Pull Request #3097 · raysan5/raylib ( back in June should “fix” this problem. It would explain why Sarik got his models to work in C, however I’m still confused as to why it wouldn’t work in C++.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hi ! Well when i open file with notepad, i seen just "VOX" and other characters, not "VOX -" , perhaps it's problem with encoding, however it's doesn't work. Also i made new vox model and export it with "VOX" format, but doen't work too

Now i'm thinking that i weired somthing wrong, so it doen't work

nickyMcDonald commented 1 year ago

Your vox file in order to load properly needs to pass the two checks shown in the link:

nickyMcDonald commented 1 year ago

To be clear it returns an invalid format error if the first four bytes aren't the string "VOX " <- including the space. It will also return a file version error if the next 4 bytes are not (uint)150.

So if your file does not start with "VOX -000" including all the spaces (the last 3 are null characters '\0'). You will continue to run into this issue.

Hope this helps :/