ci010 / electron-vue-next

A starter template for using vue-next with the electron.
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Only issues using this project with rollup #71

Open codeit-ninja opened 2 years ago

codeit-ninja commented 2 years ago

I tried using this repo as this supports electron and vue 3 as a nice starter package.

Well, its hell itself with rollup. Litterly every package from npm breaks rollup. As example, try to use the firebase-admin SDK with this repo.

I dont know how to fix all these errors as I am not familair with rollup, but its tottaly broken. Project works fine aslong as you dont install thirt party dependecies.

ci010 commented 2 years ago

Can you try to add firebase-admin this dependencies to external in package.json? I guess this is caused by rollup cannot handle some circular deps in node modules.

I write a section about adding dependencies in online document... but it seems it's not intuitive...

Maybe I will figure out how to auto detect these kind of things automatically...

ci010 commented 2 years ago

Some update... Recently, I tried to use esbuild to bundle the project, and it seems work fine to me. (Blazing fast too)

One more issue need to resolve is importing the .node or native (carry binary inside) package.

If I solve those problem, I think this project will switch to esbuild to build main process.

codeit-ninja commented 2 years ago

You are doing great work. I will retry this project tomorrow!