cicerakes / Game-Time-Master

Track and convert game server times.
GNU General Public License v3.0
38 stars 11 forks source link
games timezone-conversion

Game Time Master

Sick of memorising time zones to convert for games and their daily reset times?
Then this is for you!


Feel free to request for more games to be added by creating an issue here, or by filling out this form.

Feature Roadmap

Contributing (Adding Game Servers)


See below for more in-depth details.

Required data when adding a game


For readability, all games in this array are sorted alphabetically by name, including any starting with "The".
If a game has multiple servers in the array, it is then further sorted alphabetically by region/language (server).

A game server can be added with the following object template:

    game: "GAME_NAME",
    timezone: "GAME_SERVER_TIMEZONE",
    utcDailyReset: "OPTIONAL_SEE_BELOW",
    menuName: "OPTIONAL_SEE_BELOW"

There are two additional optional properties which can be added:


utcDailyReset is a boolen which decides if the dailyReset is interpretated as having Etc/UTC as its timezone first, before converting and displaying it to the user as its appropriate timezone property.

This only needs to be set to true if the game server's reset time changes during the server's daylight savings.
Example where it is set to true: If the reset time is 05:00 during PST, and changed to 06:00 during PDT.

If set to true, the dailyReset must use UTC/GMT.
timezone does not require any specific changes.

For most games this is does not apply, and can be omitted from the object.


menuName is a string which allows games to have custom display names in the game filter list.

This can help with readability for game names that are long, and/or have other similarly named games that may conflict.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

External Scripts

moment.min.js moment-timezone-with-data-10-year-range.min.js
Copyright © JS Foundation and other contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.
For more details see here.

Copyright © 2014 Rob Dawson.
Licensed under the MIT License.
For more details see here.