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Re-visit end-to-end testing for Staging #2149

Open vickyszuchin opened 4 months ago

vickyszuchin commented 4 months ago

Issue description

Incorporating end-to-end testing into our deployment process will provide us with a safeguard against new deployments breaking current application functionalities.

We conducted an initial investigation of end-to-end testing in Staging. In #1537, we looked at tools to support E2E testing and identified Crypress as a candidate for further exploration. In #2000, we talk to a team using Crypress for an understanding of it's pros and cons. The decision from the initial investigation was to hold off on implementation of E2E testing for the immediate future.

This ticket is created when the project deem it ready to revisit E2E testing. This ticket is to investigate how we can incorporate end-to-end testing for Staging.

Questions for considerations:

Acceptance criteria

Additional context

more context on what another gsa team did for e2e snippet from eng huddle notes overview, see link to more indepth notes

End to End testing call with TTS FAC. Notes Deploy setup: Pushing to main will deploy to dev. Staging deploy every morning which includes regression tests with end to end testing. Prod manually deployed weekly.

General design advice

vickyszuchin commented 4 months ago

Action item from eng huddle on 5/6. See notes for discussion.