cisco-sbg-ui / magna-react
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Magna-React is a React library that implements UI components according to the Atomic design specification (requires VPN) with some Magnetic re-skinning Magnetic Design - Figma Developers can enjoy the following features:


Magna-React is provided as an npm package from GitHub packages. To configure for use:

Generate an access token

  1. Go to
  2. Click Generate new token

generate token

  1. Enter a note to identify the token
  2. Select the read:packages scope

package scope

  1. Click Generate

  2. Copy the token

  3. Add the repository to your ~/.npmrc file:

  1. Paste the following in to your ~/.npmrc file, replacing TOKEN with your new token:


  1. Run
npm install @cisco-sbg-ui/magna-react
  1. Remove @cisco-sbg-ui/atomic-react from package.json

  2. Swap imports/babel config from atomic-react to magna-react

Component Development

Feel free to reach out to Robert Harris (roberha2) via Webex Teams to discuss contributions.

DEV ===============

Run Locally

npm ci
npm run dev