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Compile & deliver a wrap-up presentation #11085

Closed amenity closed 1 year ago

amenity commented 1 year ago

Meeting logistics

Slide deck

Award certificates

katelunceford commented 1 year ago

Meeting invite

APWA ATD Wrap-up w/Awards

Please join our department team members who worked on the APWA accreditation project for a wrap-up presentation as we prepare to hand off our chapters to the Public Works Department. This is a celebration of the hard work put in by our dedicated team—including some fun awards!

Confirmation request

Subject: Confirmation request + need pic for APWA presentation


Can you confirm with me if you’re planning to attend the APWA wrap-up presentation next week in person or not? It’s on Wednesday (2/1) at 10 AM in the break room at [location]. Light refreshments will be served and I want to make sure we have enough for everyone.

If you can’t make it in person, no worries—the teams link for the meeting will be used so you can join us virtually.

This will be an informal (and hopefully fun!) wrap-up presentation to celebrate the hard work put in by our department. I’m working on the slide deck for it now and I would love to have a picture of everyone who had a helping hand—including you! Do you have a recent picture you could send me? An office selfie from today would work just fine. 😊

Thank you! Kate

Need to reschedule

Had to reschedule meeting on 2/1 at 10 AM due to winter weather warning. I sent an email to each invitee...

Subject: APWA wrap-up presentation will be rescheduled


We’re going to reschedule the APWA wrap-up so that we can keep the celebration in person. Most people who were invited planned to be there. Hopefully the new time will work for everyone, too 🤞 (we’re still nailing down a new time on Richard’s calendar).

Please be on the lookout for an updated meeting invite. And stay warm!!

Thank you, Kate

Rescheduled confirmation request

Subject: APWA presentation - Tuesday 2/14 at 11 AM


I saw that you responded as “Yes” to the new meeting time for the APWA wrap-up presentation, which is Tuesday (2/14) at 11 AM in the Break Room at Barton Oaks Plaza (BOP).

--OR-- Did you happen to see that the APWA wrap-up presentation was rescheduled to Tuesday (2/14) at 11 AM? The physical location remains the same—the Break Room at Barton Oaks Plaza (BOP).

Can you please confirm with me if you plan to be there in person? We had a great RSVP rate for the last scheduled time; I really hope as many people are able to come to this new time!

Also, can you send a recent casual picture of yourself? My team is putting together a fun slide of all the people who worked on the project and I want your face to be included. 😊

Thank you, Kate

Final confirmation request to those who were double booked

Subject: APWA presentation tomorrow at 11 AM


I think the conflicting timekeeping meeting was rescheduled. That means we can have a better turnout for the APWA presentation tomorrow at 11 AM in the Break Room.

We’ll have some treats from Quack’s for those who can make it in person.

Hope to see you there!


katelunceford commented 1 year ago

I am finishing up the slide deck and would love for someone to review it word for word for typos and grammar/spelling mistakes. I heard @tillyw and/or @frankhereford may be up for the job so I'm tagging y'all :) I will make a new comment as soon as the slide deck is ready for review... likely tomorrow (Friday), or Monday morning at the very latest.

frankhereford commented 1 year ago

I can't spel gud to save my life, but I do love to edit copy. I'd be stoked to read this over the weekend or one of these evenings and read it if you'd like. Thanks for asking!

katelunceford commented 1 year ago

Haha @frankhereford your comment made me literally LOL. Thanks for that :)

I added the slide deck to the DTS g drive under presentations. It's in both PPT and PDF form because I know PPT doesn't always play nice on different devices/online.

frankhereford commented 1 year ago


💯 This is very well done! You've done an exceptional job here painting a picture of the work that has gone into getting this accreditation submission together for ATD, and you've done it in a way that will be engaging and rewarding to the people attending this presentation.

Your slides are all clear and understandable with that perfect balance of not being a wall of text but still containing meaningful details. The only thing that I can think to suggest is that you may want to find a way to define what APWA stands for earlier in the presentation. You have it on slide 7, but maybe even finding a way to expand out that acronym on the title page, so those who may be attending who have not been as connected to the work have an idea of what the larger mission is. It's likely you have this information as part of the spoken presentation, so this suggestion may be totally unneeded.

Again, wow, I can't wait to hear how this presentation goes. This is stellar work - break a leg!! Thanks for the opportunity to read this!

katelunceford commented 1 year ago

The presentation was a big success! There was a great turnout (around 40 people) including the Director, Assistant Directors, Division Managers, leaders, and SMEs across the department.

Here is a link to the recording:

And here are some kudos: APWA project kudos from Peggy.png

APWA project kudos from Amenity.png

APWA project kudos from Amenity 2.png