Closed jbyoder closed 1 year ago
Hi, this is the same thing I found out and flagged in issue #28 but much better explained, in case you want to merge these two issues or close #28 and retain only this, and is still happening as of May 2022
OK! This is a known workflow issue more than an embarcadero issue.
If you go into the documentation of bart.Rd, you'll see this section, which I think maybe doesn't show up in the actual R help file:
\code{\link{save}}ing and \code{\link{load}}ing fitted BART objects for use with \code{predict} requires that R's serialization mechanism be able to access the underlying trees, in addition to being fit with \code{keeptrees}/\code{keepTrees} as \code{TRUE}. For memory purposes, the trees are not stored as R objects unless specifically requested. To do this, one must \dQuote{touch} the sampler's state object before saving, e.g. for a fitted object \code{bartFit}, execute \code{invisible(bartFit$fit$state)}.
This is a step that basically goes into your workflow, for example:
I don't really know how to solve this on the embarcadero side, because I made a stylistic decision early on not to write zero-value-add wrappers to the most vanilla bart() and rbart_vi() implementations (felt icky!). I think maybe I should add it to the readme with a little "helpful tips" or something?
Temporary README edit here
This doesn't seem to fix the issue. I've tried
mod1 <-bart.step( = all.cov[,xvars], = all.cov[,'pres'],
full = TRUE,
quiet = F)
saveRDS(mod1, file = "mod1.RDS")
savedmod1 <- readRDS("mod1.RDS")
I've made sure the keeptrees option is set to true:
bart(x.train = train[, 2:ncol(train)], y.train = train[, 1],
ntree = n.trees, keeptrees = TRUE)
However, trying to predict on the saved model doesn't work:
>map <- predict(savedmod1, predictors, quiet=FALSE)
Min. :0.5
1st Qu.:0.5
Median :0.5
Mean :0.5
3rd Qu.:0.5
Max. :0.5
NA's :33216
but predicting on the original works
>map2 <- predict(mod1, predictors, quiet=FALSE)
Min. :0.00
1st Qu.:0.05
Median :0.18
Mean :0.29
3rd Qu.:0.49
Max. :0.98
NA's :33375
Am I missing something?
Fitted an RI model with
keepTrees = TRUE
, saved it, then loaded it in a fresh R session and used it for prediction: the output is all value = 0.5 for every grid cell. Suspect, based on our chat, that trees aren't being retained in the saved R object.