cjnovak98 / ocp4-disconnected-collection

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Revamp: Add argument_specification.yaml *and* ensure argument validation works #11

Open cjnovak98 opened 2 hours ago

cjnovak98 commented 2 hours ago

Since Ansible 2.11 there is support for argument validation within ansible via the ansible_specification.yaml.

Filling out the ansible_specification.yaml ensures that there is adequate documentation written for every role, and allows a source of truth for documentation to point to, or potentially auto generate.

See the following link for more information and examples: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbook_guide/playbooks_reuse_roles.html#role-argument-validation

cjnovak98 commented 2 hours ago

This was listed as a bug since if there is no argument validation (which would include sane defaults) then we are setting ourselves up for failure when someone attempts to run something that is supposed to take a while (image push/pulls) and there is a var mis-typed. Also to quickly catch any major syntax errors.