$ graphql-schema-linter example.graphql
1:1 A `PageInfo` object type is required as per the Relay spec. relay-page-info-spec
4:1 The object type `Query` is missing a description. types-have-descriptions
5:3 The field `Query.A` is not camel cased. fields-are-camel-cased
5:3 The field `Query.A` is missing a description. fields-have-descriptions
7:1 The enum type `A` is missing a description. types-have-descriptions
8:3 The enum value `A.Wrong` should be uppercase. enum-values-all-caps
✖ 1 error detected
$ cat example.graphql
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
A: String
enum A {
Wrong # lint-disable-line enum-values-all-caps
I expected the last linter violation to be ignored.
linter version: 2.0.1
I expected the last linter violation to be ignored.