clade / ThorlabsPM100

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Ask is deprecated in pyvisa #6

Closed marcelhohn closed 4 years ago

marcelhohn commented 5 years ago

When using the module I get the following warning from pyvisa's resources/ file:

FutureWarning: ask is deprecated and will be removed in 1.10, use query instead.
  '1.10, use query instead.', FutureWarning)

It would be nice if this module could be adapted accordingly.

bleykauf commented 4 years ago

Looks like this has already been done in but not been pushed to PyPi.

itayperl commented 4 years ago

+1 for updating PyPI. The ask method does not exist anymore in the latest PyVISA master branch, so when they make a release ThorlabsPM100 will break.

clade commented 4 years ago

Pypi is now updated (version 1.2.1)