Management Project for coordinating the Climate Service co-creation process of the CLARTIY CSIS. High-level tasks (issues) are defined in this repository and then broken down into concrete implementable issues in different sub repositories.
The documentation should give answer to the following questions
@negroscuro @ghilbrae @stefanon
what are the scripts involved to process the input data (if possible we should put the scripts in the data-package repository to make the process transparent and repeatable)
where is the output of the scripts stored (e.g. postgis db = Data Repository BB)
how is the processed data made available in the CSIS (e.g. Geoserver to connected to postgis)
@humerh @bernhardsk
how is the processed data accessed by emikat? (on-demand?, from which data repository, etc.)
how is the data rasterized and further processed (Catalogue of ER & AO = Emikat)
how is the rasterized data made available (e.g. Geoserver to connected to emikat ?!)
aggregated to a list of performance indicators so that they can be shown in a table and used for Scenario Analysis & MCDA
The documentation will serve as main input for D4.3 "Technology Support Report" and will contribute to the documentation of the Emergent Architecture (see D4.2 CLARITY CSIS Architecture v1.0) of the CSIS. Thus, we should be able to create an architecture diagram that looks similar to this one (Example from the CRISMA Project):
Documentation of the Implementation of the Modelling Workflow ~in the Data Package Wiki~ the CSIS Architecture. See also
The documentation should give answer to the following questions
@negroscuro @ghilbrae @stefanon
@humerh @bernhardsk
The documentation will serve as main input for D4.3 "Technology Support Report" and will contribute to the documentation of the Emergent Architecture (see D4.2 CLARITY CSIS Architecture v1.0) of the CSIS. Thus, we should be able to create an architecture diagram that looks similar to this one (Example from the CRISMA Project):