clarte53 / GaussianSplattingVRViewerUnity

A VR viewer for gaussian splatting models developped as native plugin for unity with the original CUDA rasterizer.
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No images in HMD display #3

Closed YingJiang96 closed 8 months ago

YingJiang96 commented 8 months ago

The project is so awesome! I love it! May I konw the detailed configuration of build setting and project setting? I did succeed running the program while there is no images or scenes in my PC and HMD display. I am pretty sure that it has already generated the tex under Tex/Element0, Element1,and the texture can update when I move(rotate or transform) my HMD. However, I am still so lost why these are no images/display in my HMD and PC screen. I guess it might be related with the configurations? Many thanks. Hope to get your reply soon. Thanks a lot.

Peamon commented 8 months ago


What is your headset ? Is your headset configured as default OpenXR ?

If i do not connect my headset or not define it as default OpenXR, it seem to have the same as you discribe : no_headset

You can check if your heaset is correctly connected in deactivating the "GaussianSplattingBlit" script on camera. When this script is deactivated you should see the skybox and should be able to move. If the sky box is not moving while moving the headset, is't a problem in headset configuration for OpenXR. deactivate_blit

For information here is my openXR pref openxr_parameters

and my player pref player_pref

Peamon commented 8 months ago

An Other reason can be that you forget to download 'default_mode.bytes' like explained in the README/Starting. In this case you should see Missing (Text Asset) like below. Just download the default_model.bytes put it in your Assets directory and drag and drop it to the Missing (Text Asset). missing_asset

YingJiang96 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your quick reply. My HMD is Quest2 and I downloaded the model.bytes as well. I created a new scene from VR template in the same project for testing. It works. I guess it might be some configure issues. Thanks for offering your configuraiton of openXR.

Peamon commented 8 months ago

Glad that you’ve found a solution. Enjoy Gaussian splatting in VR.