clearlinux / clr-boot-manager

Kernel & Boot Loader Management
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Legacy Boot, unable to complete install #244

Open sjtrotter opened 4 years ago

sjtrotter commented 4 years ago

I am trying to install Clear on a Samsung Ultrabook I just recently got working again. It has a weird 'UEFI support' mode that provides EFI vars, but it doesn't like GPT disks for some reason - installing with support enabled results in no valid boot device found. This does seem to be rather hardware-specific behavior, but I also cannot complete the installation in legacy mode either.

When attempting to do so, I noticed in the log that it is failing when trying to install the bootloader. If I am following along, it seems like it is correctly identifying that it needs to install in legacy mode, but the bootloader either does not or can not install without efivars. This is pretty much speculation on my part right now, but I'd like to see this resolved because Clear has been the most responsive on the laptop so far, as far as desktop experience.

Please let me know what logs or other information I can provide to assist. Thank you!