client9 / misspell

Correct commonly misspelled English words in source files
MIT License
1.34k stars 113 forks source link

Unusual false positives, maybe #88

Open client9 opened 8 years ago

client9 commented 8 years ago

These are quit unusual spellings or words. They should either be removed from the "known good" list or have the rule removed.

abundancies -> abundances
accending -> ascending
acquited -> acquitted
admissability -> admissibility
admissable -> admissible
afair -> affair
afficionado -> aficionado
afficionados -> aficionados
aircrafts -> aircraft
alledged -> alleged
alledges -> alleges
alotted -> allotted
altho -> although
archaelogical -> archaeological
arised -> arose
arrangments -> arrangements
assertation -> assertion
autochtonous -> autochthonous
beleagured -> beleaguered
binominal -> binomial
caligraphy -> calligraphy
claimes -> claims
collonade -> colonnade
complier -> compiler
conquerer -> conqueror
conquerers -> conquerors
criterias -> criteria
crystalisation -> crystallisation
decomposited -> decomposed
delusionally -> delusively
dependancies -> dependencies
devels -> delves
diety -> deity
dispair -> despair
earlies -> earliest
earnt -> earned
embargos -> embargoes
emprisoned -> imprisoned
everwhere -> everywhere
existant -> existent
extention -> extension
fanatism -> fanaticism
feromone -> pheromone
fightings -> fighting
fleed -> fled
flourishment -> flourishing
gardai -> gardaí
geometricians -> geometers
harras -> harass
humoural -> humoral
idiosyncracy -> idiosyncrasy
imploys -> employs
inbalance -> imbalance
inofficial -> unofficial
intered -> interred
inventer -> inventor
journies -> journeys
layed -> laid
maltesian -> Maltese
markes -> marks
marmelade -> marmalade
meterology -> meteorology
mischevious -> mischievous
mischievious -> mischievous
missen -> mizzen
moreso -> more
muder -> murder
nowdays -> nowadays
octohedra -> octahedra
octohedron -> octahedron
oftenly -> often
pastural -> pastoral
pavillion -> pavilion
payed -> paid
phylosophical -> philosophical
planation -> plantation
positon -> position
premillenial -> premillennial
priveledges -> privileges
processer -> processor
programable -> programmable
prologomena -> prolegomena
pronomial -> pronominal
proprietory -> proprietary
protruberances -> protuberances
purposedly -> purposely
reasearch -> research
recuring -> recurring
rediculous -> ridiculous
reenforced -> reinforced
refect -> reflect
resistable -> resistible
revaluated -> reevaluated
rigourous -> rigorous
rythmic -> rhythmic
scaleable -> scalable
seldomly -> seldom
shamen -> shaman
shrinked -> shrunk
sideral -> sidereal
similarily -> similarly
souveniers -> souvenirs
spermatozoan -> spermatozoon
spreaded -> spread
stateman -> statesman
substracted -> subtracted
substracting -> subtracting
substracts -> subtracts
sufferage -> suffrage
supposingly -> supposedly
surprizing -> surprising
targetted -> targeted
tenacle -> tentacle
tenacles -> tentacles
throughly -> thoroughly
untranslateable -> untranslatable
unwieldly -> unwieldy
valetta -> valletta
vell -> well
withing -> within
wresters -> wrestlers
xenophoby -> xenophobia
youself -> yourself
bf4 commented 7 years ago


I'm running this in a pre-commit hook on a Ruby project and it generally works great! 💯

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if command -v misspell >/dev/null; then
  misspell  -w -error -source=text {app,config,lib,spec}/**/* 2>/dev/null

Recently it made the correction (false positive)

corrected "Finkelshteyn" to "Finkelstheyn"

Although not in the docs, I ran misspell --help and saw

 -i string
        ignore the following corrections, comma separated

and this appears to be a bug in not respecting word boundaries, because it thinks it's a misspelling of they as htey

misspell  -w -error -source=text -i "htey,they" {app,config,lib,spec}/**/* 2>/dev/null

(I read the tests to figure out the ignore syntax)

I can create a new issue, but wasn't sure how you'd like this reported, if it should be separate, or what :)