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User Guide correction for "deploy" example #168

Closed florin-va-oltean closed 1 year ago

florin-va-oltean commented 1 year ago

In User Guide, currently there is this example (at the bottom of the page):

(aether/deploy :coordinates '[lread/mucking-around "1.2.3"]
               :jar-file (io/file "target" "some-library.jar")
               :pom-file (io/file "pom.xml")
               :repository {:url ""
                            :username (System/getEnv "CLOJARS_USERNAME")
                            :password (System/getEnv "CLOJARS_PASSWORD")})

BUT, It should be:

(aether/deploy :coordinates '[lread/mucking-around "1.2.3"]
               :jar-file (io/file "target" "some-library.jar")
               :pom-file (io/file "pom.xml")
               :repository {:my-repo {:url ""
                                                     :username (System/getenv "CLOJARS_USERNAME")
                                                     :password (System/getenv "CLOJARS_PASSWORD")}})

Two differences:

Ultimately, the first difference probably should be corrected in the code in function deploy-artefacts when building the object DeployRequest .

Note: I tested this with a private repo hosted at

lread commented 1 year ago

@florin-va-oltean thanks so much for raising an issue! I'll take a peek sometime soon.