CB-Spider and CB-Tumblebug can't sometimes run due to port binding.
The cause seems to be reserved TCP ports on Windows.
Like the following result, TCP ports under 10000 were reserved.
PS C:\Windows\system32> netsh int ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
프로토콜 tcp 포트 제외 범위
시작 포트 끝 포트
---------- --------
5357 5357
8233 8233
13543 13642
13643 13742
13743 13842
13843 13942
13943 14042
14043 14142
14143 14242
50000 50059 *
* - 관리 포트 제외입니다.
[Suggestion (temporary)]
It could be resolved by the below commands
(Option 1) To set dynamic TCP start port
netsh int ipv4 set dynamic tcp start=49152 num=16384
I enabled Hiper-V, WSL2, and Docker Desktop.
CB-Spider and CB-Tumblebug can't sometimes run due to port binding.
The cause seems to be reserved TCP ports on Windows.
Like the following result, TCP ports under 10000 were reserved.
[Suggestion (temporary)] It could be resolved by the below commands