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Replace current ZAP w/ NetSparker or Zap-Baseline #232

Open pburkholder opened 3 years ago

pburkholder commented 3 years ago

Running our own ZAP scans incurs significant costs:

Through GSA IT we seem to have access to Netsparker scans at no additional cost. To replace we'd need to:

This is more of an epic over several months.

We may also want to ask if ZAP is better than we think and we just haven't been using it correctly.

pburkholder commented 3 years ago

We should also investigate 0--0

pburkholder commented 3 years ago

Some notes:

pburkholder commented 3 years ago

Some notes on ZAP:

pburkholder commented 1 year ago

Some notes on using Netsparker, since it came up the other day that we should leverage GSA's Netsparker/Invicti.

We tried for a period to request that GSA run the "external" scans with Netsparker (now Invicti) and we added those steps to our "Run Conmon" issue from January 2021 to June 2021. We had issues with the operators not being able to run the scans, and Netsparker had it's own issue with false postives, but they were harder to track down without the source code.

If we were to take another swing at this, we'd need our own operator access to GSA's Invicti so we can run scans on demand for conmon, for assessments, and to confirm POA&M / finding closure, and also because we'd still have to auth as an operator for our Tooling apps, we can't outsource that, and we don't really need two tools generating results.

Invicti only runs "on-premise" as a Windows install. There isn't a FedRAMP authorized cloud option, and we can't run Windows ourselves, so we'd have to rely on GSA's install.

It's probably a better use of our team's resources to use ZAP's maturing automation framework and its built-in tools for managing false positives than to pursue a new tool. But I'm open to other ideas.