cloudflare / cloudflare-ingress-controller

A Kubernetes ingress controller for Cloudflare's Argo Tunnels
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to configure argo on minikube #146

Open sashok2k opened 5 years ago

sashok2k commented 5 years ago


I'm sure i'm missing something during configuration of Argo Ingress for my minikube installation, but i'm getting following errors after third reinstall of whole configuration:

time="2019-01-12T16:15:09Z" level=error msg="link exited with error (*net.DNSError) 'lookup on no such host', repairing ..." origin="echo.default:80"

time="2019-01-12T16:15:09Z" level=info msg="link repair starts in 23.014208ms" origin="echo.default:80"

time="2019-01-12T16:15:09Z" level=info msg="ResolveEdgeIPs err"

time="2019-01-12T16:15:09Z" level=error msg="link exited with error (*net.DNSError) 'lookup on no such host', repairing ..." origin="echo.default:80"

time="2019-01-12T16:15:09Z" level=info msg="link repair starts in 25.343819ms" origin="echo.default:80"

time="2019-01-12T16:15:09Z" level=info msg="ResolveEdgeIPs err"

In my case i'm configuring subdomain, so i follow Argo Tunnels for Subdomains article.

rm -rf ~/.minikube

minikube start
helm init
helm repo update   

helm install --name anydomain --namespace default \
    --set rbac.create=true \
    --set controller.ingressClass=argo-tunnel \
    --set controller.logLevel=6 \

kubectl create secret generic --from-file="$HOME/.cloudflared/cert.pem"

awk '/BEGIN.*TUNNEL/{mark=1}/END.*TUNNEL/{print;mark=0}mark' ~/.cloudflared/cert.pem >> mk-alex.pem
kubectl create secret generic --from-file="mk-alex.pem"

kubectl apply -f argo-sample.yaml 
kubectl apply -f argo-tunnel-sample.yaml 

argo-sample.yaml.txt argo-tunnel-sample.yaml.txt

I could miss some steps that I did...

What i'm doing wrong?

ntfrnzn commented 5 years ago

@sashok2k by chance I ran into this exact problem a couple days ago and it took a while to make progress figuring it out. It's an issue with minikube configuration.

The cloudflared process needs to do an src lookup, the equivalent of dig SRV

If you try this on a container running on your minikube docker daemon,

eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker run --rm -it sequenceiq/alpine-dig dig SRV

you'll see it fails.

I think that the latest minikube release changed the dns configuration ... becuase of the move to coredns? Minikube misconfiguration leaves /etc/resolve.conf pointing at

I'm not sure of the "correct" solution, or whether to file an issue against minikube, but to resolve your problem in the short term: minikube ssh, edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf to add DNS= and systemctl restart systemd-resolved

If this is an issue for cloudflare-ingress-controller, it's in the category of "improve error messages"

ntfrnzn commented 5 years ago

After thinking about it a little, I think it could be an issue against, i.e. "LookupSrv should use instead of DefaultResolver" and avoid bad local dns misconfiguration. But the cloudflare people can decide themselves whether that's what they want.

sashok2k commented 5 years ago

@ntfrnzn I did as you suggested, but that didn't helped... dig still don't return correct response. I'm thinking to change coredns configuration and have required records inside cluster. Will do that when I have time. Switched to nginx for now...