cloudfoundry / app-autoscaler-cli-plugin

CF CLI Plugin for the App AutoScaler
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 12 forks source link
cf-extensions cloud-foundry

Cloud Foundry CLI AutoScaler Plug-in Build status

App-AutoScaler plug-in provides the command line interface to manage App AutoScaler policies, retrieve metrics and scaling event history.

Install plugin

From CF-Community

cf install-plugin -r CF-Community app-autoscaler-plugin

From source code

git clone
cd app-autoscaler-cli-plugin
make install

Uninstall plugin

cf uninstall-plugin AutoScaler


Please see the development docs for how to work on this plugin.

Command List

Command Description
autoscaling-api, asa Set or view AutoScaler service API endpoint
autoscaling-policy, asp Retrieve the scaling policy of an application
attach-autoscaling-policy, aasp Attach a scaling policy to an application
detach-autoscaling-policy, dasp Detach the scaling policy from an application
autoscaling-metrics, asm Retrieve the metrics of an application
autoscaling-history, ash Retrieve the scaling history of an application

Command usage

cf autoscaling-api

Set or view AutoScaler service API endpoint. If the CF API endpoint is, then typically the autoscaler API endpoint will be Check the manifest when autoscaler is deployed to get the autoscaler service API endpoint.

cf autoscaling-api [URL] [--unset] [--skip-ssl-validation]

ALIAS: asa



$ cf autoscaling-api https://autoscaler.<DOMAIN>
Setting AutoScaler api endpoint to https://autoscaler.<DOMAIN>
$ cf autoscaling-api
Autoscaler api endpoint: https://autoscaler.<DOMAIN>

Note you will get a error prompt if the AutoScaler API endpoint is not set when you execute other commands.

$ cf autoscaling-api --unset
Unsetting AutoScaler api endpoint.

$ cf autoscaling-api
No api endpoint set. Use 'cf autoscaling-api' to set an endpoint.

$ cf autoscaling-policy APP_NAME
Error: No api endpoint set. Use 'cf autoscaling-api' to set an endpoint.

cf autoscaling-policy

Retrieve the scaling policy of an application, the policy will be displayed in JSON format.

cf autoscaling-policy APP_NAME [--output PATH_TO_FILE]

ALIAS: asp



Showing policy for app APP_NAME... { "instance_min_count": 1, "instance_max_count": 5, "scaling_rules": [ { "metric_type": "memoryused", "breach_duration_secs": 120, "threshold": 15, "operator": ">=", "cool_down_secs": 120, "adjustment": "+1" }, { "metric_type": "memoryused", "breach_duration_secs": 120, "threshold": 10, "operator": "<", "cool_down_secs": 120, "adjustment": "-1" } ] }

- Dump the scaling policy to a file in JSON format:

$ cf asp APP_NAME --output PATH_TO_FILE

Saving policy for app APP_NAME to PATH_TO_FILE... OK

### `cf attach-autoscaling-policy` 

Attach a scaling policy to an application, the policy file must be a JSON file, refer to [policy specification]( for the policy format.

cf attach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE

#### ALIAS: aasp


$ cf attach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE

Attaching policy for app APP_NAME... OK

### `cf detach-autoscaling-policy` 

Detach the scaling policy from an application, the policy will be **deleted** when detached.

cf detach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME

#### ALIAS: dasp


$ cf detach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME

Detaching policy for app APP_NAME... OK

### `cf autoscaling-metrics`

Retrieve the aggregated metrics of an application. You can specify the start/end time of the returned query result,  and the display order(ascending or descending). The metrics will be shown in a table.

cf autoscaling-metrics APP_NAME METRIC_NAME [--start START_TIME] [--end END_TIME] [--asc] [--output PATH_TO_FILE]

#### ALIAS: asm

- `METRIC_NAME` : default metrics "memoryused, memoryutil, responsetime, throughput, cpu" or customized name for your own metrics.
- `--start` : start time of metrics collected with format `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+/-HH:mm` or `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ`, default to very beginning if not specified.
- `--end` : end time of the metrics collected with format `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+/-HH:mm` or `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ`, default to current time if not speficied.
- `--asc` : display in ascending order, default to descending order if not specified
- `--output` : dump the metrics to a file


$ cf autoscaling-metrics APP_NAME memoryused --start 2018-12-27T11:49:00+08:00 --end 2018-12-27T11:52:20+08:00 --asc

Retriving aggregated metrics for app APP_NAME... Metrics Name Value Timestamp memoryused 62MB 2018-12-27T11:49:00+08:00 memoryused 62MB 2018-12-27T11:49:40+08:00 memoryused 61MB 2018-12-27T11:50:20+08:00 memoryused 62MB 2018-12-27T11:51:00+08:00 memoryused 62MB 2018-12-27T11:51:40+08:00

- `Metrics Name`: name of the current metric item
- `Value`: the value of the current metric item with unit
- `Timestamp`: collect time of the current metric item

###  `cf autoscaling-history`

Retrieve the scaling event history of an application. You can specify the start/end time of the returned query result,  and the display order(ascending or descending). The scaling event history will be shown in a table.

cf autoscaling-history APP_NAME [--start START_TIME] [--end END_TIME] [--asc] [--output PATH_TO_FILE]

#### ALIAS: ash

- `--start` : start time of the scaling history with format `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+/-HH:mm` or `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ`, default to very beginning if not specified.
- `--end` : end time of the scaling history with format `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+/-HH:mm` or `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ`, default to current time if not speficied.
- `--asc` : display in ascending order, default to descending order if not specified
- `--output` : dump the scaling history to a file


$ cf autoscaling-history APP_NAME --start 2018-08-16T17:58:53+08:00 --end 2018-08-16T18:01:00+08:00 --asc

Showing history for app APP_NAME... Scaling Type Status Instance Changes Time Action Error dynamic failed 2->-1 2018-08-16T17:58:53+08:00 -1 instance(s) because throughput < 10rps for 120 seconds app does not have policy set dynamic succeeded 2->3 2018-08-16T17:59:33+08:00 +1 instance(s) because memoryused >= 15MB for 120 seconds scheduled succeeded 3->6 2018-08-16T18:00:00+08:00 3 instance(s) because limited by min instances 6

- `Scaling Type`: the trigger type of the scaling action, possible scaling types: `dynamic` and `scheduled`
  - `dynamic`: the scaling action is triggered by a dynamic rule (memoryused, memoryutil, responsetime or throughput)
  - `scheduled`: the scaling action is triggered by a recurring schedule or specific date rule
- `Status`: the result of the scaling action: `succeeded` or `failed`
- `Instance Changes`: how the instances number get changed (e.g. `1->2` means the application was scaled out from 1 instance to 2)
- `Time`: the finish time of scaling action, no mater succeeded or failed
- `Action`: the detail information about why and how the application scaled
- `Error`: the reason why scaling failed