cloudfoundry / java-buildpack

Cloud Foundry buildpack for running Java applications
Apache License 2.0
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java buildpack giving error while creating offline package with OFFLINE=true #1080

Open ashijay opened 2 weeks ago

ashijay commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there!

I am trying to create cloudfoundry offline java package which is giving error as below.

Per instructions provided at bundle install --- worked fine bundle exec rake clean package --- worked fine bundle exec rake clean package PINNED=true --- also worked fine bundle exec rake clean package OFFLINE=true PINNED=true --- gives error

I am building this on ubuntu machine (details below): NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS" VERSION_ID="20.04" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="" VERSION_CODENAME=focal UBUNTU_CODENAME=focal

Error snapshot:

bundle exec rake clean package OFFLINE=true PINNED=true

[DownloadCache] WARN Unable to download into cache build/staging/resources/cache: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (unable to get local issuer certificate) rake aborted! Unable to find cached file for java-buildpack/lib/java_buildpack/util/cache/download_cache.rb:79:in get' java-buildpack/rakelib/dependency_cache_task.rb:147:inget_from_cache' java-buildpack/rakelib/dependency_cache_task.rb:139:in block (2 levels) in uris' java-buildpack/rakelib/dependency_cache_task.rb:137:ineach' java-buildpack/rakelib/dependency_cache_task.rb:137:in block in uris' java-buildpack/rakelib/dependency_cache_task.rb:136:ineach' java-buildpack/rakelib/dependency_cache_task.rb:136:in uris' java-buildpack/rakelib/dependency_cache_task.rb:48:ininitialize' java-buildpack/Rakefile:42:in new' java-buildpack/Rakefile:42:in<top (required)>' /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/rake-13.0.6/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'

Tried to start on a solution with but the file container_certificate_trust_store.rb itself is not present in the path lib\java_buildpack\framework

Additionally bundle exec rake versions gives the same error.

Thank you for any input on this.

ashijay commented 2 weeks ago

Realized one more mis-match while pinning the version for offline buildpack. bionic/jammy has jvmkill-1.17.0-RELEASE version released but not in trusty.

ArvindChaturvedi commented 2 weeks ago

@ashijay : Were you able to resolve this? I am also facing the same and seems like it is happening for Trusty machines as I was able to build an offline build-pack for this release in my local.

$ bundle exec rake versions [VersionResolver] WARN Discarding illegal version 1.28.0-RC2: Invalid micro version '0-RC2' [VersionResolver] WARN Discarding illegal version 1.28.0-RC3: Invalid micro version '0-RC3' +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Java Buildpack 9064578d | +----------------------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AppDynamics Agent | 24.5.0_36037 | | Release Notes | | Azure Application Insights Agent | 3.5.3 | | Release Notes | | CA Introscope APM Framework | 24.4.2_8 | | | | Client Certificate Mapper | 2.0.1 | Included inline above | Included inline above | | Container Security Provider | 1.20.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | Contrast Security Agent | 6.5.3 | | Release Notes | | Datadog APM Javaagent | 1.35.2 | | Release Notes | | Elastic APM Agent | 1.50.0 | | Release Notes | | Gemalto Luna Security Provider | 7.4.0 | | Release Notes | | Geode Tomcat Session Store | 1.14.9 | | | | Google Stackdriver Profiler | 0.1.0 | | Release Notes | | Groovy | 2.5.23 | | Release Notes | | JaCoCo Agent | 0.8.12 | | Release Notes | | Java CFEnv | 3.1.5 | | Release Notes | | Java Memory Assistant Agent | 0.5.0 | | | | Java Memory Assistant Clean Up | 0.1.0 | | | | JProfiler Profiler | 13.0.7 | | ChangeLog | | JRebel Agent | 2024.2.2 | | ChangeLog | | jvmkill Agent | 1.17.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | MariaDB JDBC Driver | 2.7.9 | | Release Notes | | Memory Calculator | 3.13.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | Metric Writer | 3.5.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | New Relic Agent | 8.12.0 | | Release Notes | | Open Telemetry Agent | 2.5.0 | | Release Notes | | OpenJDK JRE 11 | 11.0.23_10 | Risk Matrix | Release Notes | | OpenJDK JRE 17 | 17.0.11_10 | Risk Matrix | Release Notes | | OpenJDK JRE 21 | 21.0.3_10 | Risk Matrix | Release Notes | | OpenJDK JRE 8 | 1.8.0_412 | Risk Matrix | Release Notes | | PostgreSQL JDBC Driver | 42.7.3 | | ChangeLog | | Redis Session Store | 1.3.6_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | Riverbed Appinternals Agent | 11.8.5_BL527 | | | | SeaLights Agent | 4.0.2528 | | | | SkyWalking | 9.2.0 | | ChangeLog | | Splunk OpenTelemetry Java Agent | 1.32.2 | | Release Notes | | Spring Auto-reconfiguration | 2.12.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | Spring Boot CLI | 2.7.18 | | | | Spring Boot Container Customizer | 2.6.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | Takipi Agent | 4.73.3 | | Release Notes | | Tomcat 10.1 | 10.1.25 | Security | ChangeLog | | Tomcat 9 | 9.0.90 | Security | ChangeLog | | Tomcat Access Logging Support | 3.4.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | Tomcat Lifecycle Support | 3.4.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | Tomcat Logging Support | 3.4.0_RELEASE | Included inline above | Included inline above | | YourKit Profiler | 2024.3.157 | | Release Notes | +----------------------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

ashijay commented 1 week ago

Hi @ArvindChaturvedi, Heard no solutions yet. I was also able to build offline too taking the latest code source but its not compatible.

It throws error which malformed the URL and remove trusty from it.

Error: [Buildpack] ERROR Finalize failed with exception #<RuntimeError: Jvmkill Agent error: Unable to find cached file for>

pivotal-david-osullivan commented 3 days ago

Hi, the buildpack supports Bionic and Jammy and publishes binaries for these where relevant.

There were binaries available for Trusty when it was under general support, however you would need to fork the buildpack, specify Trusty as a packaging platform, and return to older versions of binaries to package, which would not be recommended.

Have you investigated migrating to Jammy?