cloudnativer / kube-install

一键安装k8s(kubernetes):二進位離線方式部署,支持定時安裝、添加與銷毀node、銷毀與修復master、一鍵卸載集羣等。Install k8s (kubernetes): one click offline installation of highly available multiple kubernetes cluster, supports schedule installation, addition of nodes, rebuild of kubernetes master, and uninstallation of clusters.
Apache License 2.0
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集群安装成功后,在master节点上执行kubectl get nodes -A命令时只能看到两个工作节点,看不到master节点 #24

Closed haolipeng closed 2 years ago

haolipeng commented 2 years ago


haolipeng commented 2 years ago

搭建环境 master : node1 : node2: 采用普通方式搭建的集群,执行kubectl get nodes -A 时,是能看到既有master节点,也有node节点的

houseonline commented 2 years ago


kube-install是純二進制的安裝,與kubeadm有著本質區別,node列表中只有node。 kube-install是希望返璞歸真,讓node是node,master是master。 master只是一個管控程序,不運行業務容器的。只有node才是真正運行容器的計算主機。

你可以用kubectl get cs查看master和etcd狀態。你可以用kubectl get node查看node狀態。

haolipeng commented 2 years ago


haolipeng commented 2 years ago
