clsid2 / mpc-hc

Media Player Classic
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Please add support for subtitle search #1130

Closed bviktor closed 3 years ago

bviktor commented 3 years ago

Hi, it'd be awesome if you could add support for this subtitle site. An example search URL for the event horizon title in English language:

Language (nyelv) is specified in Hungarian, here's the dictionary:

"nyelv" argument English name Country code
Magyar Hungarian hu
Angol English en
Albán Albanian al
Arab Arabic ?
Bolgár Bulgarian bg
Cseh Czech cz
Dán Danish dk
Finn Finnish fi
Francia French fr
Görög Greek gr
Héber Hebrew il
Holland Dutch nl
Horvát Croatian hr
Koreai Korean kr/kp?
Lengyel Polish pl
Német German de
Norvég Norwegian no
Olasz Italian it
Orosz Russian ru
Portugál Portugese pt
Román Romanian ro
Spanyol Spanish es
Svéd Swedish se
Szerb Serbian rs
Szlovén Slovene si
Szlovák Slovak sk
Török Turkish tr

The request results in an HTML page, where you need to look for <tr> elements with the vilagit id. e.g.

<tr id="vilagit" style="background-color: #fff;">


<tr id="vilagit" style="background-color: #ecf6fc;">

and find the download link in the 6th <td> element. There doesnt' seem to be any kind of referral or useragent check - I could download subtitles using cURL w/o issues.

Do you think it's possible to implement this?

Possible issues:

clsid2 commented 3 years ago

I am not going to implement this. Someone else has to do it.