clustericious / Yars

Yet-another ARchive Service
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Bundle in a Yars::Command::RegressionTest #17

Closed CurtTilmes closed 8 years ago

CurtTilmes commented 8 years ago

or some such.

Take a few command line parameters (how many clients, how many files, etc.) fork some children, create a bunch of random files, use Yars::Client to PUT them to a Yars, GET them from Yars, PUT while GETting, DELETE, etc.

Finish by DELETEing everything you put in (and verifying) so there is nothing left behind.

Capture some basic metrics (ala siege:

CurtTilmes commented 8 years ago

Much of this is already in the examples, I just think it needs to be organized a bit better.

CurtTilmes commented 8 years ago

I made a wiki Regression Testing page.