TrinityX is the new generation of ClusterVision's open-source HPC, A/I and cloudbursting platform. It is designed from the ground up to provide all services required in a modern HPC and A/I system, and to allow full customization of the installation.
However the role isnt prepared for this. The only fix required:
TASK [trinity/prometheus-ipmi-exporter : Load a variable file based on the OS type, or a default if not found. Using free-form to specify the file.] ***
fatal: [ubuntu.osimages.luna]: FAILED! => {"msg": "No file was found when using first_found."}
The missing file is Ubuntu20.yaml: site/roles/trinity/prometheus-ipmi-exporter/vars/
A simple copy will solve it.
cp Ubuntu22.yaml Ubuntu20.yaml
When running a playbook, to use Ubuntu 20 (Focal Fossa)
Change the Jammy (24) to Focal: trinityX/site/roles/trinity/image-create-ubuntu/defaults/main.yml
However the role isnt prepared for this. The only fix required:
The missing file is Ubuntu20.yaml: site/roles/trinity/prometheus-ipmi-exporter/vars/ A simple copy will solve it.
cp Ubuntu22.yaml Ubuntu20.yaml