cmackay / google-analytics-plugin

Cordova Google Analytics Plugin for Android & iOS
Apache License 2.0
89 stars 43 forks source link

analytic-test returns undefine #56

Closed femiji closed 8 years ago

femiji commented 8 years ago

I have followed the step for setting up the analytic test here

and I got undefined as the output of alert(

I am using Cordova 5.3.3

Does the plugin work with cordova 5.3.3

cmackay commented 8 years ago

What platform are you running on? Ios or Android?

femiji commented 8 years ago


cmackay commented 8 years ago

I just tested using the latest cordova 5.4.0 and I was able to successfully use the plugin. Are you accessing the object after the device ready event?

document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
}, false);

also for more info from the cordova docs:

The deviceready event fires once Cordova has fully loaded. Once the event fires, you can safely make calls to Cordova APIs. Applications typically attach an event listener with document.addEventListener once the HTML document's DOM has loaded.

Let me know if this resolves your issue. Thanks,


femiji commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the speedy response. It caught me off guard.

Here is what I got The Connection To The Server Was Unsuccessful. (file:/android_asset/www/index.html)

Is that what I should get instead of undefine?


cmackay commented 8 years ago

Hmm, I have never received that when using the plugin. I would recommend trying in a clean project.

cordova create test-project
cd test-project
cordova platform add android
cordova build android
cordova run android

then verify the app is working before adding the plugin, then run:

cordova plugin add com.cmackay.plugins.googleanalytics

then add the following to in www/js/index.js

  document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () { 
  }, false);

and build again then see if it is working.

I think it is best to try the above to verify the environment is working properly. Let me know what you find.

femiji commented 8 years ago

now the alert box didn't pop up.

this is the bottom of my index.html

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/index.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () { 

}, false);

cmackay commented 8 years ago

There are many potential issues that could occur in troubleshooting a hybrid app so it is difficult for me to provide any help. If the deviceready event is not firing in a new app then you must have a problem with your environment or project setup. I think stackoverflow may provide more help.