cmer / gigabyte-z390-aorus-master-hackintosh

A guide to build your own Hackintosh based on Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Master
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CsrActiveConfig is wrong in Step-by-Step guide (for 10.14.5) #20

Closed vadimpanin closed 5 years ago

vadimpanin commented 5 years ago

Set CsrActiveConfig to 0x0 which enables SIP for extra security. This should work just fine for a Vanilla Hackintosh install and is how genuine Macs ship.

Maybe it will help someone. On 10.14.5 the value of 0x0 will lead to STOP sign on boot. 0x3e7 should be used (as it is already in config.plist). Step-by-step guide is [temporary] out of date. Same goes for PciRoot and some other.

cmer commented 5 years ago

Updated. Thanks for this.