cmer / gigabyte-z390-aorus-master-hackintosh

A guide to build your own Hackintosh based on Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Master
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No audio on z390 master #30

Closed loingh closed 5 years ago

loingh commented 5 years ago

Everything is working. But I to am having issues with no audio, I have tried the mentioned solutions in the "audio guide?" issue raised. I have the same motherboard z390 master with the i9 9900k and using "MY EFI" by author. Any help would be truly appreciated. Thank you!

cmer commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure TBH, I literally have onboard audio disabled on mine because I use an external DAC. It was working perfectly fine before, however. Perhaps the inject id has changed? Please let us know when you figure this out so I can update the guide and EFI.

amitraa commented 5 years ago


  1. Update AppleALC.kext
  2. Remove "change HDAS to HDEF" from acpi patches
  3. Add "alcid=16" to the boot arguments for layout-id injection
  4. Set Inject to "No" under Audio section
  5. Reboot and success!