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Using Transverse Mass and CDC algorithms in L1T Menu #578

Open rekovic opened 7 years ago

rekovic commented 7 years ago

Transverse Mass algorithms in L1T Menu

It has been reported on the HN that there are issues when running L1T Menu with transverse mass (M_T) algorithms in CMSSW_9_2_4 environment.

I have successfully tested the HLT recipe [VR 1] with the L1T menu [VR 2] that Johannes pointed to in this thread, and I see Mt paths firing.

On top of the recipe [VR 1] use commands:

# copy L1T menu of Johannes locally
# #############################
cp /afs/ L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/

# point custumisation to  MyMenu.xml
# ############################
sed -i 's/L1Menu_Collisions2016_v2c.xml/MyMenu_v2.xml/g' L1Trigger/Configuration/python/

# recompile
# ########
cd L1Trigger/Configuration
scramv1 b
cd ../../

# run the L1T ReEmulation job and print results of the customisation menu
# ########################################################## -s RAW2DIGI --era=Run2_2017 --conditions=92X_dataRun2_Prompt_v4 -n 1000 --data --no_exec --no_output --filein=/store/data/Run2017B/HLTPhysics/RAW/v1/000/297/290/00000/263B48DA-0457-E711-9CEB-02163E014167.root --customise=L1Trigger/Configuration/customiseReEmul.L1TReEmulFromRAWCalouGT --customise=L1Trigger/L1TNtuples/customiseL1Ntuple.L1NtupleRAWEMU --customise=L1Trigger/Configuration/customiseUtils.L1TGlobalSimDigisSummary --customise=L1Trigger/Configuration/customiseUtils.L1TAddInfoOutput --customise=L1Trigger/Configuration/customiseUtils.L1TGlobalMenuXML

I see the Mt algos firing

 =================  L1 Trigger Report  =====================================================================

 L1T menu Name   : L1Menu_Collisions2017_v1
 L1T menu Version: 0.6
 L1T menu Comment: 2017 pp menu

    Bit                  Algorithm Name                  Init    PScd  Final   PS Factor     Num Bx Masked

     222                            L1_IsoEG33_Mt40        22     22     22         0          0
     223                            L1_IsoEG33_Mt44        20     20     20         0          0
     224                            L1_IsoEG33_Mt48        20     20     20         0          0

However, there are following (in HN reported) warnings issued when parsing the L1T Menu xml file

Warning: No LUT by name EG-ETM or ETM-EG exists!
Warning: LUT EG-ETM for Cosh not found
Warning: LUT Mass_ETM-ET for Pt not found

@Johannes Wittmann Does L1T Menu needs another update?

[VR 1] [VR 2] /afs/

rekovic commented 7 years ago

CDC algorithms in L1T Menu

Use CMSSW_9_2_4 + PR 19464 or CMSSW_9_2_5 to run the uGT emulator on a L1T menu which contains CDC algorithms that require correlation conditions for BX !=0.

apana commented 7 years ago

Hi Vladimir,

The warning messages you are seeing should be fixed branch apana-add_missingEng_LUTs:


johanneswittmann commented 7 years ago

Hi Vladimir,

@johanneswittmann Does L1T Menu needs another update?

As far as I can tell, the L1T Menu scales have everything which is needed.

Cheers, Johannes

rekovic commented 7 years ago


The warning messages you are seeing should be fixed branch apana-add_missingEng_LUTs:

Thanks. Created PRs from this branch 93X 92X

rekovic commented 7 years ago

So will need 9_2_5_patch (9_2_5 + to run M_T algos without spurious TriggerMenuParser Warnings for LUTs.

apana commented 7 years ago

Hi Vladimir,

M_T algos will also not fire in the emulator w/o PR 19619. But they shouldn't cause any crashes.


On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 10:17 AM, rekovic wrote:

So will need 9_2_5_patch (9_2_5 + cms-sw#19619 to run M_T algos without spurious TriggerMenuParser Warnings for LUTs.

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tstreble commented 7 years ago also avoids a crash at HLT.

rekovic commented 7 years ago

@tstreble Thanks. What recipe did you use to see the HLT crash with CMSSW_9_2_5 w/o #19619? Please post it here.

rekovic commented 7 years ago

@tstreble Or are you observing an HLT crash with CMSSW_9_2_4 only?

tstreble commented 7 years ago

This was observed under CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1. Here is the full recipe

cmsrel CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1
cd CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1/src
git cms-init

git remote add cms-l1t-offline
git fetch cms-l1t-offline
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-l1t-offline:l1t-integration-v96.14
git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TCommon
git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TMuon
git clone L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data

git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TGlobal
git clone -b work-in-progress ../2017-pp-menu-dev
mkdir -p L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup
cp ../2017-pp-menu-dev/Apr12/*.xml L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/

git cms-addpkg HLTrigger/Configuration
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-tsg-storm:for83Xsamples924
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-tsg-storm:HLTMenuV2_92X_auto

git cms-checkdeps -A -a
scram b -j 6

cd HLTrigger/Configuration/test

hltIntegrationTests /users/tstreble/HLT_L1menu_v2/HLT_Tau_LooseIsoEG/V4  -s /dev/CMSSW_9_2_0/GRun -i root:// --mc -x "--globaltag 90X_upgrade2017_TSG_Hcal_V3" -n 1000 -x "--l1-emulator FullMC" -x "--l1Xml L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml"
rekovic commented 7 years ago


Do you see the crash with your recipe but without merging

git cms-merge-topic -u cms-l1t-offline:l1t-integration-v96.14

and just run CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1 out of the box?

rekovic commented 7 years ago

@tstreble We are trying to confirm that CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1 vanilla runs without the crashes, which is what @fwyzard reported.

tstreble commented 7 years ago

I have tested CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1 vanilla

cmsrel CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1
cd CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1/src
git cms-init

git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TGlobal
git clone -b work-in-progress ../2017-pp-menu-dev
mkdir -p L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup
cp ../2017-pp-menu-dev/Apr12/*.xml L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/

git cms-addpkg HLTrigger/Configuration

scram b -j 4

cd HLTrigger/Configuration/test
hltIntegrationTests /users/tstreble/HLT_L1menu_v2/HLT_Tau_LooseIsoEG/V4  -s /dev/CMSSW_9_2_0/GRun -i root:// --mc -x "--globaltag 90X_upgrade2017_TSG_Hcal_V3" -n 1000 -x "--l1-emulator FullMC" -x "--l1Xml L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml"

This results in a crash in L1TGlobalProducer again (although additional modules seem to be involved, maybe due to the missing customizations). See attached log HLT_Ele24_eta2p1_WPTight_Gsf_LooseChargedIsoPFTau30_eta2p1_TightID_CrossL1_v3.log.txt

rekovic commented 7 years ago

@tstreble Thanks very much for the tests and the info.

The recipe you tested used "--l1-emulator FullMC" on MC, and that workflow does not test the uGT emulation step in the HLT which only unpacks uGT and runs the uGT emulation. For Offline re-emulation and tests this is available as step -s L1REPACK:uGT to the

For completion, here is the test of @fwyzard (Andrea B.) of CMSSW_9_2_5 which was successful with the latest menu that contains CDC and Mt algos:

git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TCommon
git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TGlobal
git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/Configuration
scram b -j8

mkdir -p L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/
wget -O L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/L1Menu_Collisions2017_v2_m6.xml
sed -i -e's/L1Menu_Collisions2016_v2c.xml/L1Menu_Collisions2017_v2_m6.xml/' L1Trigger/Configuration/python/ test \
    -s L1REPACK:uGT \
    --customise=L1Trigger/Configuration/customiseUtils.L1TGlobalMenuXML \
    --conditions 92X_dataRun2_HLT_v4 \
    --data \
    --era Run2_2017 \
    --eventcontent RAW \
    --filein file:/eos/cms/tier0/store/data/Run2017B/SingleElectron/RAW/v1/000/297/722/00000/D4BE876E-1C5D-E711-9DDA-02163E019D55.root \
    -n -1 \

cat >> << @EOF
process.l1tGlobalSummary = cms.EDAnalyzer( "L1TGlobalSummary",
    AlgInputTag = cms.InputTag( "simGtStage2Digis" ),
    ExtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "simGtStage2Digis" ),
    MinBx = cms.int32( 0 ),
    MaxBx = cms.int32( 0 ),
    ReadPrescalesFromFile = cms.bool( False ),
    psFileName = cms.string( "prescale_L1TGlobal.csv" ),
    psColumn = cms.int32( 0 ),
    DumpRecord = cms.bool( False ),
    DumpTrigResults = cms.bool( False ),
    DumpTrigSummary = cms.bool( True )
process.Summary = cms.EndPath( process.l1tGlobalSummary )
process.schedule.append( process.Summary )


rekovic commented 7 years ago

@tstreble Added to the post above that the crash in your test was due to Unpack HCAL, not L1T.

apana commented 7 years ago

Hi Vladimir,

I think the recipe run by @fwyzard just run the uGT emulator. I also was never able to reproduce Thomas' crash when running just the emulator in 925_patch1. However, when running the full HLT, I did crash in the uGT emulator. Below is the recipe I used:

`cmsrel CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1 cd CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1/src/ cmsenv git-cms-init git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TCommon git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TMuon git clone L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TGlobal git clone -b 2017-06-26 ../2017-pp-menu-dev mkdir -p L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup cp ../2017-pp-menu-dev/Apr12/*.xml L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/ git cms-addpkg HLTrigger/Configuration git cms-merge-topic -u cms-tsg-storm:HLTMenuV2_92X_auto git cms-checkdeps -A -a scram b -j 6 rehash hltGetConfiguration /users/tstreble/HLT_L1menu_v2/HLT_Tau_LooseIsoEG --full --offline --data --unprescale --process TEST --globaltag 92X_dataRun2_HLT_v4 --l1-emulator Full --l1Xml L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml --setup /dev/CMSSW_9_2_0/GRun --input /store/data/Run2017A/HLTPhysics1/RAW/v1/000/296/786/00000/A02097E3-F350-E711-A5F1-02163E011A2D.root >

cd L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/ wget cd -

cmsRun > & runhlt.log &`

fwyzard commented 7 years ago

The HLT always runs only the uGT emulator.

The recipe from Thomas also runs the full L1 emulator, including Calo Layer2, which I suspect is the one actually crashing.

Ciao, .Andrea

On 8 Jul 2017 17:17, "Leonard Apanasvich" wrote:

Hi Vladimir,

I think the recipe run by @fwyzard just run the uGT emulator. I also was never able to reproduce Thomas' crash when running just the emulator in 925_patch1. However, when running the full HLT, I did crash in the uGT emulator. Below is the recipe I used:

`cmsrel CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1 cd CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1/src/ cmsenv git-cms-init git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TCommon git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TMuon git clone L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TGlobal git clone -b 2017-06-26 ../2017-pp-menu-dev mkdir -p L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup cp ../2017-pp-menu-dev/Apr12/*.xml L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/ Luminosity/startup/ git cms-addpkg HLTrigger/Configuration git cms-merge-topic -u cms-tsg-storm:HLTMenuV2_92X_auto git cms-checkdeps -A -a scram b -j 6 rehash hltGetConfiguration /users/tstreble/HLT_L1menu_v2/HLT_Tau_LooseIsoEG --full --offline --data --unprescale --process TEST --globaltag 92X_dataRun2_HLT_v4 --l1-emulator Full --l1Xml L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml --setup /dev/CMSSW_9_2_0/GRun --input /store/data/Run2017A/ HLTPhysics1/RAW/v1/000/296/786/00000/A02097E3-F350-E711-A5F1-02163E011A2D.root

cd L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/ wget dev/work-in-progress/Apr12/L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml cd -

cmsRun > & runhlt.log &`

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tstreble commented 7 years ago

The crash with L1TGlobalProducer also occurs without the full L1 emulator using [1]. The issue seems to be rather related to the uGT emulator itself. It is consistent with the fact that it is fixed with #19619 , which only modifies L1Trigger/L1TGlobal files. Moving to 9_2_5_patch2 should hopefully solve the issue.

Cheers, Thomas

[1] hltIntegrationTests /users/tstreble/HLT_L1menu_v2/HLT_Tau_LooseIsoEG/V4 -s /dev/CMSSW_9_2_0/GRun -i root:// --mc -x "--globaltag 90X_upgrade2017_TSG_Hcal_V3" -n 1000 -x "--l1Xml L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml"

apana commented 7 years ago

Hi Andrea,

Probably academic now that it seems we'll run with 925patch2, but I have some additional info to help understand the source of the crash. When I run the HLT with the "Full" l1-emulator, with the recipe above, I get a crash in L1TGlobalProducer, l1t::GlobalScales::getLUT_Pt (see attached log file). However, if run with the "uGT" l1-emulator option, I don't crash, but it might only be because I didn't run over enough events (~4K) (probably as I see from Thomas' latest message).

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 10:23 AM, Andrea Bocci wrote:

The HLT always runs only the uGT emulator.

The recipe from Thomas also runs the full L1 emulator, including Calo Layer2, which I suspect is the one actually crashing.

Ciao, .Andrea

On 8 Jul 2017 17:17, "Leonard Apanasvich" wrote:

Hi Vladimir,

I think the recipe run by @fwyzard just run the uGT emulator. I also was never able to reproduce Thomas' crash when running just the emulator in 925_patch1. However, when running the full HLT, I did crash in the uGT emulator. Below is the recipe I used:

`cmsrel CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1 cd CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1/src/ cmsenv git-cms-init git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TCommon git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TMuon git clone L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TGlobal git clone -b 2017-06-26 ../2017-pp-menu-dev mkdir -p L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup cp ../2017-pp-menu-dev/Apr12/*.xml L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/ Luminosity/startup/ git cms-addpkg HLTrigger/Configuration git cms-merge-topic -u cms-tsg-storm:HLTMenuV2_92X_auto git cms-checkdeps -A -a scram b -j 6 rehash hltGetConfiguration /users/tstreble/HLT_L1menu_v2/HLT_Tau_LooseIsoEG --full --offline --data --unprescale --process TEST --globaltag 92X_dataRun2_HLT_v4 --l1-emulator Full --l1Xml L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml --setup /dev/CMSSW_9_2_0/GRun --input /store/data/Run2017A/ HLTPhysics1/RAW/v1/000/296/786/00000/A02097E3-F350-E711- A5F1-02163E011A2D.root

cd L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/ wget dev/work-in-progress/Apr12/L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml cd -

cmsRun > & runhlt.log &`

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rekovic commented 7 years ago


See twiki

fwyzard commented 7 years ago

Hi Len, I am a bit worried when we fix a crash we don't fully understand, because it may pop up again later...

Hopefully it's not urgent though :-)

Ciao, .Andrea

On 8 Jul 2017 18:58, "Leonard Apanasvich" wrote:

Hi Andrea,

Probably academic now that it seems we'll run with 925patch2, but I have some additional info to help understand the source of the crash. When I run the HLT with the "Full" l1-emulator, with the recipe above, I get a crash in L1TGlobalProducer, l1t::GlobalScales::getLUT_Pt (see attached log file). However, if run with the "uGT" l1-emulator option, I don't crash, but it might only be because I didn't run over enough events (~4K) (probably as I see from Thomas' latest message).

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 10:23 AM, Andrea Bocci wrote:

The HLT always runs only the uGT emulator.

The recipe from Thomas also runs the full L1 emulator, including Calo Layer2, which I suspect is the one actually crashing.

Ciao, .Andrea

On 8 Jul 2017 17:17, "Leonard Apanasvich" wrote:

Hi Vladimir,

I think the recipe run by @fwyzard just run the uGT emulator. I also was never able to reproduce Thomas' crash when running just the emulator in 925_patch1. However, when running the full HLT, I did crash in the uGT emulator. Below is the recipe I used:

`cmsrel CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1 cd CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1/src/ cmsenv git-cms-init git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TCommon git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TMuon git clone L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TGlobal git clone -b 2017-06-26 ../2017-pp-menu-dev mkdir -p L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup cp ../2017-pp-menu-dev/Apr12/*.xml L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/ Luminosity/startup/ git cms-addpkg HLTrigger/Configuration git cms-merge-topic -u cms-tsg-storm:HLTMenuV2_92X_auto git cms-checkdeps -A -a scram b -j 6 rehash hltGetConfiguration /users/tstreble/HLT_L1menu_v2/HLT_Tau_LooseIsoEG --full --offline --data --unprescale --process TEST --globaltag 92X_dataRun2_HLT_v4 --l1-emulator Full --l1Xml L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml --setup /dev/CMSSW_9_2_0/GRun --input /store/data/Run2017A/ HLTPhysics1/RAW/v1/000/296/786/00000/A02097E3-F350-E711- A5F1-02163E011A2D.root

cd L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup/ wget dev/work-in-progress/Apr12/L1Menu_Collisions2017_dev_r8.xml cd -

cmsRun > & runhlt.log &`

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