cms-sw / cmssw

CMS Offline Software
Apache License 2.0
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Fix `cfi` creation for conf db parsing #47156

Closed mmusich closed 2 weeks ago

mmusich commented 2 weeks ago

PR description:

@Martin-Grunewald reported an issue in the confDB parsing of CMSSW_15_0_0_pre2 concerning:

 -> hltBcJpsiTkAllConeTracksIter [ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer] CHANGED
       string particleType = "K+" [REMOVED]
  -> hltCscSegments [CSCSegmentProducer] CHANGED
       VPSet algo_psets [REMOVED]

this is due to and having the modules ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer and CSCSegmentProducer auto-generate cfi files with incomplete top level parameter configurations. This PR fixes the issue

PR validation:

Upon compilation I get the following python files available:

$ more ../cfipython/el9_amd64_gcc12/CommonTools/RecoAlgos/
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

def ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer(*args, **kwargs):
  mod = cms.EDProducer('ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer',
    src = cms.InputTag(''),
    particleType = cms.string('pi+'),
    mightGet = cms.optional.untracked.vstring
  for a in args:
  return mod


$ more ../cfipython/el9_amd64_gcc12/RecoLocalMuon/CSCSegment/                                                                                                   import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

def CSCSegmentProducer(*args, **kwargs):
  mod = cms.EDProducer('CSCSegmentProducer',
    inputObjects = cms.InputTag('csc2DRecHits'),
    algo_type = cms.int32(5),
    algo_psets = cms.VPSet(
    mightGet = cms.optional.untracked.vstring
  for a in args:
  return mod

which is fine for parsing purposes.

If this PR is a backport please specify the original PR and why you need to backport that PR. If this PR will be backported please specify to which release cycle the backport is meant for:


mmusich commented 2 weeks ago

type bug-fix

cmsbuild commented 2 weeks ago

cms-bot internal usage

mmusich commented 2 weeks ago


cmsbuild commented 2 weeks ago



cmsbuild commented 2 weeks ago

A new Pull Request was created by @mmusich for master.

It involves the following packages:

@cmsbuild, @jfernan2, @mandrenguyen can you please review it and eventually sign? Thanks. @abbiendi, @ahinzmann, @bellan, @gkasieczka, @hatakeyamak, @jdolen, @jhgoh, @missirol, @ptcox, @rappoccio this is something you requested to watch as well. @antoniovilela, @mandrenguyen, @rappoccio, @sextonkennedy you are the release manager for this.

cms-bot commands are listed here

mmusich commented 2 weeks ago

@cmsbuild, please test

cmsbuild commented 2 weeks ago


Size: This PR adds an extra 24KB to repository Summary: COMMIT: 7da557d79b20ff0649ba4299d0646620ba8d14ea CMSSW: CMSSW_15_0_X_2025-01-21-1100/el8_amd64_gcc12 User test area: For local testing, you can use /cvmfs/ to create a dev area with all the needed externals and cmssw changes.

Comparison Summary


jfernan2 commented 2 weeks ago


cmsbuild commented 2 weeks ago

This pull request is fully signed and it will be integrated in one of the next master IBs (tests are also fine). This pull request will now be reviewed by the release team before it's merged. @sextonkennedy, @rappoccio, @antoniovilela, @mandrenguyen (and backports should be raised in the release meeting by the corresponding L2)

mandrenguyen commented 2 weeks ago
