Closed 24LopezR closed 2 weeks ago
cms-bot internal usage
A new Pull Request was created by @24LopezR for master.
It involves the following packages:
@civanch, @cmsbuild, @kpedro88, @mdhildreth can you please review it and eventually sign? Thanks. @bsunanda, @fabiocos, @makortel, @martinamalberti, @rovere, @slomeo this is something you requested to watch as well. @antoniovilela, @mandrenguyen, @rappoccio, @sextonkennedy you are the release manager for this.
cms-bot commands are listed here
please test
Size: This PR adds an extra 40KB to repository
COMMIT: 67d2cc027813991a4540b4183fad349c637d5c85
CMSSW: CMSSW_15_0_X_2025-01-22-1100/el8_amd64_gcc12
User test area: For local testing, you can use /cvmfs/
to create a dev area with all the needed externals and cmssw changes.
@24LopezR , you misunderstand me. What I propose is following: you to add to g4SimHits only one extra flag "SMUON = False". So, for all other applications nothing will changed. Inside Generator class you check this flag and implement special treatment if it is "true". Special treatment means check of the list of pdgCode corresponding to these particle and disable of check on solid angle. In the case, when you submit simulation job, you customise smuon flag to be true.
@civanch Okay, now it is more clear to me, thanks. I will push the changes here
Pull request #47165 was updated. @civanch, @cmsbuild, @kpedro88, @mdhildreth can you please check and sign again.
please test
Size: This PR adds an extra 40KB to repository
COMMIT: a952fa9db379040e0e92c79f19bb70bd254e940e
CMSSW: CMSSW_15_0_X_2025-01-22-2300/el8_amd64_gcc12
User test area: For local testing, you can use /cvmfs/
to create a dev area with all the needed externals and cmssw changes.
@24LopezR , now it is needed to backport this PR to MC production releases 10_6_X (Run2), 12_4_X and 13_0_X (Run3). In the directory SimG4Core/Generators there is extra file, which is a clone of the Generator class. This new class is a clone of the default one, we created it to use the new HepMC3 interface. If you agree, it is possible to copy modifications to, this class does not exist in previous releases, so it is not needed to be backported.
This pull request is fully signed and it will be integrated in one of the next master IBs (tests are also fine). This pull request will now be reviewed by the release team before it's merged. @mandrenguyen, @sextonkennedy, @rappoccio, @antoniovilela (and backports should be raised in the release meeting by the corresponding L2)
@civanch okay thanks, I will prepare the backports. Regarding, I agree, the same changes can be added there.
PR description:
This PR aims to fix two issues affecting SimTracks and SimHits for signal processes involving long-lived smuons.
More details about the issue can be found in slide 13 of [1].
PR validation:
The changes have been validated using privately produced signal samples of pair production of long-lived smuons decaying to a muon and a gravitino (smuon->mu+G). More details in slide 14 of [1].
If this PR is a backport please specify the original PR and why you need to backport that PR. If this PR will be backported please specify to which release cycle the backport is meant for:
This PR needs to be backported to 12_4_X and 13_0_X (for 2022 and 2023 signal sample production)