cmu-delphi / delphi-epidata

An open API for epidemiological data.
MIT License
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Tons of new dependencies introduced in requirements for delphi-epidata (python client) #1467

Open boxydog opened 1 month ago

boxydog commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your work on epidata.

Between delphi-epidata 4.1.20 and 4.1.23, you seem to have introduced at least 66 new dependencies, see below. (I have a few in our project already, so you may have introduced more than 66.)

I am concerned that introducing all these new dependencies into my production application will make it less likely to be reliable.

Is there any way to get a more slimmed down version of delphi-epidata?

$ diff tmp/[ab]
> astroid
> boto3
> botocore
> cffi
> clarabel
> click
> click-plugins
> cligj
> contourpy
> coverage[toml]
> covidcast
> cryptography
> cvxpy
> cycler
> delphi-utils
> descartes
> ecos
> fiona
> fonttools
> freezegun
> geopandas
> gitdb
> gitpython
> imageio
> imageio-ffmpeg
> iniconfig
> isort
> jinja2
> jmespath
> kiwisolver
> lazy-object-proxy
> markupsafe
> matplotlib
> mccabe
> mock
> moto
> osqp
> pandas
> pillow
> pluggy
> pycparser
> pydocstyle
> pylint
> pyparsing
> pyproj
> pytest
> pytest-cov
> python-dateutil
> pytz
> pyyaml
> qdldl
> requests-mock
> responses
> s3transfer
> scs
> shapely
> six
> slackclient
> smmap
> snowballstemmer
> structlog
> toml
> werkzeug
> wrapt
> xlrd
> xmltodict
boxydog commented 1 month ago

It might be from more closely tying delphi-utils to this repo, perhaps #1460?

dshemetov commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the report. This will take us a bit of time to address. A few possible workarounds for now:

Let me know if the first works for you for now and meanwhile we can see what we can do to slim the dependencies on our end.

boxydog commented 1 month ago

Thanks so much for your quick reply. I'm happy to pin to 4.1.20 for now, sounds like that could work for awhile.

melange396 commented 1 month ago

@boxydog you are exactly right, it is from adding the dependency of delphi-utils in #1460. The change may add some to the installation footprint, but it should not affect its reliability much if at all; the only functionality used from the added library is in logging.

boxydog commented 1 month ago

@boxydog you are exactly right, it is from adding the dependency of delphi-utils in #1460. The change may add some to the installation footprint, but it should not affect its reliability much if at all; the only functionality used from the added library is in logging.

Thanks for your reply.

If I include 66 more libraries, then any one of them can have a bug, incompatible version, or other problem that makes it harder just to install the delphi-epidata library. That's what I mean by affecting reliability, not that the code path will have a bug, but that the dependency will cause support burden. In general, I don't want to rely on code I don't use.

So I hope it's possible to look into slimming down the dependencies to only what delphi-epidata needs. I understand it can be non-trivial to do so.

dshemetov commented 1 month ago

@melange396 I started thinking how we could address this and got a couple ideas:

melange396 commented 1 week ago

I dont know if its worth it to create a new PyPI package for a dinky little logging config... I am very into deduplicating the file though -- the acquisition and server code can use delphi_utils.logger instead of delphi.epidata.common.logger, especially because they both already use delphi_utils in some way or another.

Logging in the client is a fringe case for debugging usage at this point, and as a user facing package, it doesnt really gain much from rigid log-like formatting. What if we just dumb down the logging in the client for now? (I created PR to demonstrate.) Then, at some point after we take the bloat out of delphi_utils, we might once again consider using it for logging in the client.