cnizzardini / cakephp-datatable

CakePHP Component for interoperability between CakePHP 2.x and jQuery DataTables plugin.
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array of objects as a data source #1

Closed taroumaru closed 10 years ago

taroumaru commented 11 years ago


Is there any option to output data source as "object" style ?

{ "aaData": [ { "engine": "Trident", "browser": "Internet Explorer 4.0", "platform": "Win 95+", "version": "4", "grade": "X" }, { "engine": "Trident", "browser": "Internet Explorer 5.0", "platform": "Win 95+", "version": "5", "grade": "C" }, {

cnizzardini commented 11 years ago

No, but this is very easy to add in. I will test this out and include on next release. Thanks.

cnizzardini commented 11 years ago

Can you provide more feedback on why this is needed? Does DataTables support this response format? Please cite documentation in your response if you want this feature programmed in. I ask this because this is a bit more work than I thought it would be and don't want to add in features that are not universal for all users (no edge scenarios).


cnizzardini commented 10 years ago

This has been added as of version 1.2.0