cnr-isti-vclab / corto

Mesh compression library, designed for rendering and speed.
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DLLNotFoundException when building Unity project in Xcode for iOS #41

Open jessekirbs opened 1 year ago

jessekirbs commented 1 year ago

Hello! I'm trying to run Unity Corto on an iOS device. It plays fine in the editor but after building to my iOS device from Xcode, the app runs but I get the following error:

DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'cortocodec_unity': The specified module could not be found.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Unity 2020.3.11f1 Xcode 14.1 Mac OS Monterey 12.6 iPhone SE - iOS 16.1.2

ponchio commented 1 year ago

Hi! It looks like a path configuration problem: the dll is in the wrong place or the executable is looking in the wrong folder, can't really help without some details on how your app configuration and path structure. Write me an email (, and maybe setup a call...

(I definitely need to add some documentation about unity)