cnrancher / kube-explorer

A portable explorer for Kubernetes, without any dependency.
Apache License 2.0
220 stars 27 forks source link


kube-explorer is a portable explorer for Kubernetes without any dependency.

It integrates the Rancher steve framework and its dashboard, and is recompiled, packaged, compressed, and provides an almost completely stateless Kubernetes resource manager.

Usage ✅

Please download the binary from the release page.

To run an HTTP only server:

./kube-explorer --kubeconfig=xxxx --http-listen-port=9898 --https-listen-port=0

Then, open the browser to visit http://x.x.x.x:9898 .

Build ✅

To debug on an AMD64 Linux host:

make dev

# $basedir=/opt/ui/dist/
# prepare the file trees like this
# $basedir/dashboard/
# $basedir/index.html

# good to go!
./kube-explorer --debug  --ui-path /opt/ui/dist/ --http-listen-port=9898 --https-listen-port=0

To build all cross-platform binaries:

CROSS=1 make