codahale / sneaker

A tool for securely storing secrets on S3 using Amazon KMS.
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`sneaker ls <pattern>` stopped working #27

Open mwarkentin opened 8 years ago

mwarkentin commented 8 years ago

Hello, I've been experimenting with sneaker - quite a neat project! Initially, I tried using the sneaker ls <pattern> functionality, and it seemed to work well - however something happened and it stopped working. I'm not sure what changed - I was playing around with S3 object versioning (what happens if we delete all of the versions for an object, etc) in between - not sure if that's what did it.


$ AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=wave-dev aws-profile ./sneaker ls kraken/*
key                          modified          size  etag
kraken/DATADOG_API_KEY       2016-09-12T18:11  -18   f37f488706e962cdc6109250ac51c0b8
kraken/ENVIRONMENT           2016-09-12T18:11  -19   582ec2ba4011a0ac22671471874da14e
kraken/GITHUB_TOKEN          2016-09-12T17:46  -15   9057a9843327f0e749c7df1dfbf5e8f8
kraken/NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY  2016-09-12T18:10  -15   5f586cc2874ed3cc4b5ba91400fb0bef
kraken/THREATSTACK_KEY       2016-09-12T18:10  -13   61f72f312630b6bc50c745681903f54c


$ AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=wave-dev aws-profile ./sneaker ls kraken/*
  sneaker ls [<pattern>]
  sneaker upload <file> <path>
  sneaker download <path> <file>
  sneaker rm <path>
  sneaker pack <pattern> <file> [--key=<id>] [--context=<k1=v2,k2=v2>]
  sneaker unpack <file> <path> [--context=<k1=v2,k2=v2>]
  sneaker rotate [<pattern>]
  sneaker version